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Summer School: ENSO: dynamics and predictability

Honolulu, HI, United States
Workshop report
Meeting Category

The school will address key scientific questions on ENSO dynamics and predictability. Topics covered will include:
- ENSO theory
- Paleo-ENSO
- ENSO phenomenology: from observations to predictions
- Predictability theory
- Operational ENSO forecasting
- Decadal climate variability, global warming and ENSO

The aim is to train the next generation of scientists that will continue to do ENSO-relevant research, improve our understanding of ENSO and develop better seasonal and long-term forecasting techniques.

Graduate students and postdocs in climate research, meteorology, oceanography and paleoceanography are invited to apply to the summer school. Participation is highly competitive and will be limited to a maximum of 14 students.

Registration/Application deadline: 15 March 2008

Contact: Axel Timmermann