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Reklim Conference 2014: Our Climate - Our Future

Berlin, Germany
Meeting Category

One of the biggest challenges of the current climate research is to analyse and understand the regional effects of global climate change, especially to describe consequences and impacts of climate change on a socially relevant scale.

This is where the Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIM comes in: Since October 2009 experts of the nine Helmholtz Centres of the Helmholtz Association’s research field Earth and Environment are working together on ten research topics.

In cooperation with nine universities, the Helmholtz Research Centres combine their expertise in regional climate change research. Regional observations and process studies coupled with model simulations will help to improve regional and global climate models, which provide a solid basis for climate-related decision support. REKLIM contributes to the strengthening of interdisciplinary regional climate research in Germany.

Following the first funding period the REKLIM Climate Initiative is organising the international Conference

“Our Climate – Our Future, Regional perspectives on a global challenge” taking place in Berlin, Germany from 6–9 October, 2014. The conference aims at providing a forum were scientists from all over the world can present and discuss new results from regional climate research in the context of the REKLIM research topics.


The conference will be divided into two parts:

The first part is a three-day international scientific conference from 6-8 October 2014.

The scientific conference is followed by a German speaking public engagement day on “Regional climate change – causes and effects” on the 9th of October, 2014, focusing on the dialogue between scientists and decision makers from the field of politics, administration and associations.

Main goals / themes

The Climate Initiative REKLIM, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research and the Helmholtz Association are pleased to be your host at this conference. The scientific programme will offer a broad and interdisciplinary spectrum of current international and national research work in regional climate change.

At this conference following topics will be addressed:

• Session 1: Regional climate system modelling

• Session 2: Sea level changes from global to regional and local scales

• Session 3: Arctic Change

• Session 4: The land surface in the climate system

• Session 5: Atmospheric composition and climate: Interactions from global to regional scale

• Session 6: Extreme meteorological events and their impacts in a changing climate

• Session 7: Integrated strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation

• Session 8: Rapid climate change in the past – mechanisms, processes and regional patterns

The conference will consist of plenary meetings, parallel sessions and poster sessions.

Internationally well-known scientists will present their keynotes during the conference.

Important dates

Deadline to submit abstracts - 30 May 2014

A limited amount of travel grants will be available for foreign students to attend the conference. Deadline to submit application for travel support and abstracts if applying for travel support - 30 May 2014

Scientific Steering Committee

• Prof. Dr. Peter Braesicke (Karlsruher Institute for Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany)

• Prof. Dr. Achim Brauer (German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany)

• Prof. Dr. Klaus Dethloff (Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany)

• Dr. Klaus Grosfeld (Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany)

• PD. Dr. Michael Kunz (Karlsruher Institute for Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany)

• Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany)

• Prof. Dr. Peter Lemke (Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany)

• Prof. Dr. Beate Ratter (University of Hamburg and Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht, Germany)

• Dr. Torsten Sachs (German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany)

• Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Schmid (Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research -Atmospheric Environmental Research, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany)

• Dr. Renate Treffeisen (Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany)

• Prof. Dr. Reimund Schwarze (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany)
