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First Central African PAGES Workshop: Paleoclimate, Past to Recent Environmental Change and Human Interactions

Yaoundé, Cameroon
Workshop report
Contact person
Dr Ghogomu Richard Tanwi
Meeting Category

The overall objective of this workshop is to offer a forum to bring together African and other International Paleo-scientists, researchers (including young future researchers, students, teachers, stakeholders and decision/policy makers implicated in Past to Recent Global Change research in Central Africa and to launch collaborative research activities in such domains.


- to create and enhance awareness of the importance of regional impacts of global climate change and to stress the necessity of incorporating such awareness into policy making at all levels in Central Africa.

- to identify ongoing research activities taking place in the Central African region in the fields of paleoclimate, environment and human interactions, create a database of scientists interested in such actions and encourage research collaboration among them,

- to identify research themes and scientific research gaps of particular interest to the Central African region and those that are country specific, form core working groups that will do research and collaborate with the international community on such science activities;

- to establish and facilitate the development of coordinated national and regional research programs and policy activities related to paleo-science within Central Africa,

- to encourage interaction and the exchange of information between scientists, stakeholders and the policy community in the region.

- to enhance awareness of the importance of continuous climatic data collection that has discontinued in many meteorological stations in this region.

- to create online National page and contribute material for a special issue of PAGES NEWS on related research in Cameroon

- to identify laboratories and equipments in the region that may be of common use in generating and analyzing paleo-science and environmental data.

- to carry out need assessments and identify priority areas for capacity building and environmental education.


1.Holocene Climate variability in Central Africa
2: Instrumental Climatic Records
3: Natural Climate Variability and Environment-Human Interaction,
4: Land Use and Forest/Grassland/Sahel Dynamics
5: Past to Recent Natural and Human-induced Catastrophes


Dr Ghogomu Richard Tanwi, Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Yaounde, Cameroon.
Tel: +237 791 4098 Fax: +237 222 1320