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Deglacial Deep Ocean Circulation and Biogeochemical Cycling


Bern, Switzerland

Workshop report
Contact person
Sam Jaccard
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category


The deep ocean circulation affects climate and cycles of biogeochemical elements such as carbon and nutrients. This workshop initiates two projects aimed at improving our understanding of past deep ocean circulation changes and its effects on biogeochemical tracer distributions: Investigating Past Ocean Dynamics (iPODS), which focuses on radiocarbon and oxygen isotopes (δ18O), and Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling (OC3), which focuses on stable carbon isotopes (δ13C).

Common Scientific Questions

How did the deep ocean circulation change during the last deglaciation (both in terms of transport pathways and transit times)?

What were the effects of these changes on carbon cycling in the ocean and atmospheric CO2?

Specific Goals


- Compilation of published and unpublished benthic and planktic radiocarbon data (with a focus on age-models, past reservoir age variability, ‘ventilation metrics’ and associated uncertainties).

- Compilation of published and unpublished Nd isotope and Pa/Th data (with a focus on emerging issues and novel developments).

- Integration of these sparsely sampled non-conservative and pseudo-conservative tracer proxies with compiled conservative proxy data from stable oxygen isotopes.

- Forward, and inverse modelling of radiocarbon, and auxiliary tracers (incl. δ18O, εNd).


- Compilation of published and unpublished benthic and planktic δ13C (and perhaps also Cd/Ca) data. Although focus will be on the last deglaciation observations from all time periods will be considered.

- Uncertainty assessment (including age models) of deep and surface δ13C reconstructions.

- Modeling of δ13C

Provisional program

Tuesday Sept. 30th – iPODS
Radiocarbon and redox chemistry: research questions, methods/uncertainties/novel developments, data compilation and modelling.

Wednesday Oct. 1st – iPODS
Stable oxygen isotopes and non-traditional isotopes (Pa/Th, Nd): research questions, methods/uncertainties/novel developments, data compilation and modelling.

Thursday Oct. 2nd and Friday 3rd – OC3

Abstract deadline

Aug 31st 2014

To apply

Send your application, abstract, or questions about logistics to Sam Jaccard ( (samuel[dot]jaccard[at]geo[dot]unibe[dot]ch)). Please indicate if you are planning to attend the iPODS, OC3 or both parts of the meeting.

Applications for travel support need to include a title and abstract and should be submitted by July 25th 2014 in order to help us allocate funds and to enable you to plan your travel accordingly.


Funding from INQUA (iPODS), PAGES (OC3), and the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research (OCCR) is acknowledged. Limited funds for travel support will be available. Early career scientists (research students, or within 8 years of gaining your PhD) and researchers from developing countries are strongly encouraged to apply.

More information on the PAGES OC3 working group is available here: