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Paclim 2015


Pacific Grove, USA

Meeting Category

Please join over 100 climate change scientists for four days of stimulating oral and poster presentations on all aspects of climate variability across the eastern Pacific Ocean and western North America.

The upcoming work workshop will be centered on the theme of “Droughts: Reconstructing the past, monitoring the present, modeling the future”.

The meeting begins Sunday evening March 8th and ends at noon on Wednesday March 11th.  

Fees: Early Bird Registration ($150): December 10th 2014. Regular Registration ($175): February 9th 2015.
The meeting is held at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, Ca.  The grounds and facilities provide a beautiful setting for participants to meet, exchange ideas and collaborate on all issues of Pacific Climate Change.  Please note the Housing Registration is sent directly to Asilomar.

For more information about the meeting, including registration forms, please go to


Michelle Goman, Sonoma State University
Scott Mensing, University of Nevado, Reno