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2015 Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting


Baltimore, USA

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Abstracts due 11 August 2015.


PAGES-relevant sessions - abstracts welcomed

Topical Session, T9: Developing Proxies for Human Impact on Soil and Sediment Mass Transfer throughout the Holocene

PAGES' Global Soil and Sediment Transfers in the Anthropocene (GLoSS) working group welcomes abstract submissions to this upcoming topical session at the 2015 Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting (November 1–4 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA).

Despite our knowledge of the mechanistic relationships between erosion, sediment storage, land-use, and climate change, the global patterns of soil erosion, fluvial sediment flux, and storage throughout the Holocene remain poorly understood. This session invites papers that address this gap and provide a paleo-perspective of human impact on soils, sediments, and river systems. Papers covering empirical and modeling studies from local to global scales with a special focus on proxies for human impacts are very much appreciated.

For additional PAGES and GloSS details please consult the GLoSS website. For additional meeting details please consult the GSA meeting website:

 If you have any questions regarding this session please email the session chair, Gary Stinchcomb ( (gstinchcomb[at]murraystate[dot]edu))

Abstract deadline: 11 August 2015

Session chairs:
Gary Stinchcomb, Watershed Studies Institute & Department of Geosciences Murray State University
Timothy Beach, Department of Geography & the Environment University of Texas at Austin
Thomas Hoffmann, Department of Geography University of Bonn

GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; Past Global Changes (PAGES)—GloSS Working Group; GSA Geology and Society Division; Soils and Soil Processes Interdisciplinary Interest Group; GSA Archaeological Geology Division.