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Monsoons & ITCZ: the annual cycle in the Holocene and the future


New York, USA

Meeting Category

This workshop is organized within the WCRP Grand Challenge on "Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitvity" and will be a catalyst for concerted efforts to better understand and project changes in tropical rainfall. To this end, it will bring together scholars versed in paleo climate, theory of large-scale climate and atmospheric dynamics, observations and parameterizations of convective processes, and analysis of climate model projections.

The workshop will include invited talks, contributed talks, poster sessions and ample time for discussions. For a list of invited speakers as well as detailed informations about abstract submission, registration and local logistics, please visit the website

The workshop also includes a model-intercomparison project (MIP) to explore how radiative forcings and continents control the dynamics of tropical rainfall, in particular its annual cycle, and to study interactions between oceanic and continental rainfall. The MIP consists of 5 simulations in aquaplanet and idealized land configuration; more information is available at If you are interested in participating in the MIP please contact us at (MonsoonsITCZs[dot]NYC2014[at]gmail[dot]com) as soon as possible.


Registering and applying for support

The workshop will be held at Columbia University in New York City from 15-18 September 2015. The deadline for abstract submission is 19 June 2015, the deadline for registration is 14 August 2015. Because space is limited, we however reserve the right to close registration ahead of the deadline.

Thanks to the generosity of the National Science Foundations, a limited number of travel support grants for PhD students and early career scientists from US universities are available. Please contact us via (MonsoonsITCZs[dot]NYC2014[at]gmail[dot]com) if you fit these criteria and you need support for traveling to New York.

In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (MonsoonsITCZs[dot]NYC2014[at]gmail[dot]com)

Organizing committee

Michela Biasutti and Aiko Voigt