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2k Network-wide Teleconference 2

Online meeting
Contact person
Lucien von Gunten
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

Dear PAGES 2k-ers,

The second Network-wide teleconference is scheduled for 14 September 2015. Regional and trans-regional projects will be represented and we encourage anyone who's interested in participating in the PAGES 2k project to log on to learn more and to provide input. More information below.


What: PAGES 2k project coordinators are convening a Network-wide teleconference to
facilitate communication across regional and trans-regional groups, and to plan the final
steps towards the projects Phase 2 synthesis !

Who: Regional group leaders, trans-regional topic leaders, plus anyone interested in the
PAGES 2k project !

Why: The goal of the teleconference is to discuss and decide on:
- Table of contents for the Phase 2 synthesis special issue in Climate of the Past, and its
timeline, editors, publication costs, etc.
- Additional trans-regional projects
- Global T and Isotopes database release strategies and planned projects !

When: Monday 14 September 2015, 2 pm (UTC). Your local time here (link). !
Teleconference will run for about 90 minutes. The 2k coordinators will summarize the
discussion and distribute them through the PAGES 2k e-mail list. !

How: PAGES IPO will host the teleconference using an online platform (see below for
instructions to connect). No prior registration is required to join the teleconference.


Download the Agenda here.