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4th PALSEA2 meeting

Mt Hood, OR, United States
Workshop report
Contact person
Anders Carlson
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The fourth workshop of the PALeo constraints on SEA level rise 2 (PALSEA2) working group, titled "Sea-level budgets at decadal to millennial time scales to bridge the paleo and instrumental records" will be held in Mt Hood, Oregon, USA, in September 2016.

Event details

 1113590-Elliot Glacier 11-4-07 60 1

   Image 1: Elliot Glacier

Check in: Sunday 18 September 2016.

Conference starts: Monday 19 September 2016.

Check out: Wednesday 21 September 2016.

Location: Timberline Lodge at Mt Hood.

Note that Timberline Lodge is a classic 1930’s ski lodge at the tree line on Mt. Hood (Oregon’s highest mountain/volcano).


The topic will be on sea-level budgets and glacier/ice-sheet change at decadal to millennial timescales to bridge the paleo and instrumental records. This meeting builds upon and complements previous workshops by focusing on the integration of data and models to better understand and constrain past changes in sea level, the cryosphere and climate with a primary aim to produce more accurate projections of future changes in ice extent and sea level.

More details on the aims and format of the workshop can be found here:

The meeting goal is to critically assess what information can be gleaned from paleo records and simulations during past warm periods (Holocene, prior interglaciations, mid-Pliocene) that will provide clear insight into recent changes and future predictions.


   Image 2: White River Glacier, Mt Hood

Planned activities

The meeting will include a field trip to Eliot Glacier (Image 1) and the glacier-flood deposits of White River Glacier (Image 2). Bring skis for fall glacier skiing and hiking boots for the field trip.

Getting there

Mt. Hood and the lodge are about one hour east of the Portland International Airport (code PDX) and we will have van shuttles from the airport to the lodge.

Organising Committee

Anders Carlson, Andrea Dutton, Glenn Milne, Antony Long.

Confirmed keynote speakers

Niamh Cahill (University of Massachusetts)

Peter Clark (Oregon State University)

Roland Gehrels (Univeristy of York)

Nick Golledge (Victoria University)

Erik Ivins (JPL, NASA)

Kristian Kjeldsen (University of Copenhagen)

Leanne Wake (Northumbria University)

Financial support

Some funds will be available to support the attendance of early-career researchers.

Abstracts and registration

We encourage abstracts from colleagues who reconstruct changes in sea level, the cryosphere and climate from the geological record and/or apply models to interpret the observations and better understand the processes responsible for these changes. The focus is on understanding sea-level budgets at century to millennial timescales with a key area being linking the paleo record to the instrumental record and future projections.

To apply to the workshop, email your abstract to (acarlson[at]coas[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu) by 1 May 2016.

Please use the subject heading: “PALSEA2 ABSTRACT: ORAL/POSTER” where you select oral or poster as your preference.

Notification of participation will occur in June.

Abstract formatting

Please follow the following guidelines and use Times new roman 12pt font throughout.

Margins all set to 1”.

Please submit as a Word document (not pdf).

TITLE (all caps, centered) [skip one line] Authors1: (centered: Last name, Initials with no periods or spaces) [skip one line] Institutions: (centered, Italics) [skip one line] Abstract text: left justified, no indent for first line of each paragraph, skip one line between paragraphs, not to exceed one page in length.

Further information

Please contact Anders Carlson for further information ( (acarlson[at]coas[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu)).


Post-meeting material

palsea group 2016













The group braving the cold on Eliot Glacier little ice age moraine. Credit: Paul Walczak.