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2016 Ice Sheet System Model Workshop (ISSM)


San Diego, USA

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Meeting Category

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in collaboration with the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and University of California at Irvine, will host the 2016 Ice Sheet System Model Workshop (ISSM) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography campus, San Diego, USA, from 21-23 June 2016.

It will be sponsored and hosted by Helen Fricker.

Workshop program

Interactive sessions will be offered for beginners/advanced users and developers interested in learning how to use ISSM.

Updates to ISSM since the 2014 workshop, including user-requested features, will be presented.

Participants will be invited to showcase their work during an open poster session, and science talks will be organized around relevant topics.


Specific focus will be on tutorials that allow users to make use of altimetry data, and simulate the evolution of surface elevations on ice shelves or over grounded ice. Data assimilation will also be at the core of several tutorials, relying on the use of inverse methods in particular.


The registration page, and additional information on the workshop, can be found at:

Further information

Go to the event website: or email the ISSM team: (issm[at]jpl[dot]nasa[dot]gov)