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Palaeoclimate-Palynology Workshop, Princeton


Princeton, USA

Meeting Category

The Climate Change and History Research Initiative (CCHRI:, a three-year project at Princeton University, is holding a palaeoclimatology and palynology workshop for pre-modernists, from 12-14 September 2016.

This entry-level workshop is geared towards younger scholars (junior faculty members and graduate students) from the humanities and social sciences and requires no previous knowledge of either subject.

Workshop details

The workshop focuses on palynology and the reconstruction of past temperature, precipitation and environmental changes from natural archives in the form of sediments.

The workshop will offer participants a hands-on introduction to palaeoclimate science, palynology, including chronology development, record calibration, climate reconstruction and sampling strategies. These will maintain a balance between modeling local/regional and large-scale climates and changes.

The workshop will cover the statistical basis for these reconstructions, their assumptions and uncertainties. As part of the workshop, participants will explore pollen identification, age-model constructions, and micro-charcoal analysis for wildfire history. Although the workshop will focus on the Eastern Mediterranean Basin as a case study, its tools will be applicable to other world regions.

Workshop leaders

Renowned scholars Neil Roberts (Plymouth University) and Warren Eastwood (University of Birmingham) will lead the workshop. Both have published extensively on climate reconstruction and palynology.

Application process and deadlines

Interested parties should submit the a statement of interest (up to 500 words), a CV and a letter of recommendation to Jayne Bialkowski ( (jayne[at]princeton[dot]edu)) by 1 June 2016.

The subject line of the email should read, “Application for Palynology Workshop.” No applications will be considered after this time. Successful applicants will be notified by early July.


The workshop is free. Princeton University will cover the costs of accommodations and subsistence for all admitted applicants. Attendees will be expected to cover their own travel and transportation costs. Detailed directions for getting to campus and locating the workshop will be issued closer to the workshop.

Further information

For more information please visit our website:

Emails can be sent to John Haldon ( (jhaldon[at]princeton[dot]edu)), Lee Mordechai ( (lmordech[at]princeton[dot]edu)) or Tim Newfield ( (newfield[at]princeton[dot]edu)).

The PIIRS Research Initiative on Climate Change and History and the workshop series are made possible through a generous grant provided by the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies.