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GeoChronR Training Workshop


Flagstaff, USA

Contact person
Nick McKay
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The GeoChronR project was funded by NSF-Geoinformatics to facilitate broad adoption of state-of-the-art geochronologic uncertainty quantification.

Its leaders (N. McKay, NAU; J. Emile-Geay, USC) will be hosting a training workshop from 17-19 August 2016 on the analysis, visualization and integration of time-uncertain data in the paleogeosciences.


The workshop will be held on the campus of Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.

Workshop goals

This workshop is intended for graduate students and early-career scientists working with geoscientific timeseries with uncertainties in the time domain.

Space is limited to 15 attendees, with preference given to graduate students and early career scientists. Experience with scientific programming, especially R, will be helpful, but is not required, and the workshop and tools are designed for non-expert users.


Topics include:

Interacting with the Linked Paleo Data format, including importing and exporting datasets
Using available algorithms, including Bacon, BAM, BChron, and Clam to estimate age uncertainty
Propagating age uncertainty through multiple stages of analysis, including correlation, regression, ordination, and spectral methods
Effectively visualizing results and uncertainties
Interpreting, discussing and disseminating results to encourage transparent and reproducible science.


Travel support is available for accepted applicants.


Applications are due on or before 12 June. Please apply here.

Further information

Go to the website: