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SciDataCon 2016


Denver, USA

Meeting Category

The International Science Data Conference "SciDataCon 2016" will be held in Denver, Colorado, USA, 11-13 September 2016.


SciDataCon2016 will take place at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, Colorado, USA.  It is part of International Data Week, 11-16 September 2016, convened by CODATA, the ICSU World Data System and the Research Data Alliance.


SciDataCon 2016 seeks to advance the frontiers of data in all areas of research. This means addressing a range of fundamental and urgent issues around the 'Data Revolution' and the recent data-driven transformation of research and the responses to these issues in the conduct of research.

SciDataCon 2016 is motivated by the conviction that the most significant contemporary research challenges - and in particular those reaching across traditional disciplines - cannot be properly addressed without paying attention to issues relating to data.

These issues include policy frameworks, data quality and interoperability, long-term stewardship of data, and the research skills, technologies, and infrastructures required by increasingly data-intensive research. They also include frontier challenges for data science: for example, fundamental research questions relating to data integration, analysis of complex systems and models, epistemology and ethics in relation to Big Data, and so on.

The transformative effect of the data revolution needs to be examined from the perspective of all fields of research and its relationship to broader societal developments and to data-driven innovation scrutinised. Taken together these issues form a multi-faceted challenge which cannot be tackled without expertise drawn from many disciplines and diverse roles in the research enterprise.  Furthermore, the transformations around data in research are essentially international and the response must be genuinely global. SciDataCon is the international conference for research into these issues.


See the list of all sessions here:


Submit your abstract to any of the 48 accepted sessions. The proposal submission deadline has been extended to 30 May 2016 for both talks and posters. Go to:

Please note the required templates and content directions for submissions:

Future Earth session

Future Earth Network for Scientific Information (and data) to support Sustainability Under the theme: Policy and Practice of Data in Research


A restructuring of the global change research programs started in 2011 as a result of several calls for more coordinated scientific and societal responses to global environmental change. The result is the 10-year international research initiative known as “Future Earth”, a global environmental change research platform with the aim of providing knowledge and support to accelerate transformations to a sustainable world. Future Earth will coordinate new, inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches to research on three themes: Dynamic Planet, Global Sustainable Development and Transformations to Sustainability. It is open to scientists of all disciplines, natural and social, as well as engineering, the humanities and law, and seeks to work together with business, NGOs, civil society and government to foster equitable and sustainable responses to global challenges.

In order for Future Earth to become successful associated data will need to be transformed into information. Information derived out of this data has to be available for all stakeholders. All associated issues with data management are involved: open access, standards, harmonization, interoperability, access and retrieval, privacy, ethics, etc. In order for Future Earth to have such a Digital Platform (e-infrastructure) partnership and collaboration with major data and information actors is vital. Future Earth cannot duplicate any existing work. This poses a great challenge for Future Earth in order to work in partnership with all existing initiatives to jointly develop common e-platforms that will serve multipurpose uses.

Previous global change research projects under the umbrella of the International Geosphere, Biosphere Programme (IGBP) bring into Future Earth a tremendous expertise on processing data to derive information results to better understand Global Change.

We propose therefore a session for SciData Con 2016 where the current Future Earth partnership activities associated with data and information will be presented and discussed.

We foresee to have in such a session:

- Researchers from Core Projects presenting data and information needs and how these issues are being addressed.
- Senior persons from GEO presenting how GEO and Future Earth are working jointly in order to derive the indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Experts involved in the Belmont Forum e-infrastructure presenting how such an e-infrastructure is being discussed.
- Experts from the International Society of Digital Earth (ISDE) presenting the direction on which the concept of Digital Earth is evolving and how can the research community participate.

PAGES-relevant session

New Approaches and International Partnerships: Insights in Earth and Space climatology and dynamics fueled by long duration observations (ID #35)


Enhancing our understanding of the natural and anthropogenically influenced variability of Earth’s climate and environment, including all of geospace, is a daunting challenge because the evidence comes from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, and in many cases is noisy, limited spatio-temporally, incomplete, and of diverse data quality. Mining long term observations provides new revelations, reference baselines for studying dynamics, and touchstones representing current scientific understanding. Integrative data approaches that incorporate all of the information content, utilizing sophisticated methods (e.g. new statistical methods; data and physics assimilation; feature classification; search, discovery and federation of diverse sources) and other emerging “Big Data” analysis and fusion techniques are a powerful way to overcome the challenges, and they rely on the many scientifically-curated datasets carefully managed by data centers of the the World Data System and other like-minded institutions. The role of partnerships, and particularly international partnership, in maintaining earth observation systems and ensuring that these important investments evolve to meet users’ needs will also be in scope.

A key purpose of this session is to reveal how researchers synthesize large quantities of long-term archived environmental data - from multiple disciplines capturing important sun to earth parameters - to develop new research that addresses compelling scientific questions and societal challenges and provides decision makers with actionable information. Presenters who wish to share new methodologies, research results, and lessons learned are encouraged to submit their abstracts for consideration.

The focus will include the following domain disciplines: paleoclimatology, oceanography, cryology, weather and atmospheric climate information, and space environment climate and dynamics. Other scientific disciplines with relevant experiences are also welcome to participate in this session.