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PEN workshop on 'Assessing Palaeoclimate Uncertainty'


Cambridge, UK

Meeting Category

The Past Earth Network (PEN) is an EPSRC-funded network (, which aims to improve collaboration between paleoclimatologists and statisticians.

A PEN workshop on 'Assessing Paleoclimate Uncertainty', in conjunction with the Environmental Statistics Section of the Royal Statistical Society at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, will be held from 24-26 August 2016.


The science of paleoclimate is evidently a challenging area for statisticians: measurement error, proxy calibration error, timescale uncertainties, serial dependence, non-Gaussian distributions, sparseness of data in space-time. Yet it is essential for understanding how the climate has behaved in the past.

This workshop aims to develop collaborative projects between the statistics and paleoclimate communities. The program will be a combination of lectures and discussion sessions, which hopefully generate new ideas for collaboration.


The PEN will heavily subsidise the cost of attendance (meals and accommodation at Sydney Sussex). Remaining is a registration fee of just £80.

Workgroup leaders

Lauren Gregoire
Anna von der Heydt
Lindsay Lee
Manfred Mudelsee
Bette Otto-Bliesner
Louise Sime
Richard Wilkinson

Further information

For more details, go to: