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Future Earth-PROVIA-IPCC scientific workshop


Stockholm, Sweden

Contact person
Future Earth
Meeting Category

The Future Earth-PROVIA-IPCC scientific workshop, titled “Integrating science across the IPCC on climate risk and sustainable solutions: Lessons learned from AR5 to support AR6” will be held from 29-31 August 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden.


Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.


Future Earth and the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA) will bring together 70 scientists and stakeholders investigating risk management in the climate system across planetary risks (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, Working Group I), societal risks (IPCC Working Group II) and abatement of risks (IPCC Working Group III). The workshop is co-sponsored by the IPCC. It is jointly hosted by the Future Earth Hub in Sweden and the Stockholm Resilience Centre with financial support from the IPCC, MISTRA and Stockholm Business Region.

Workshop goals

To reflect on the lessons learned from the Fifth IPCC Assessment (AR5) and to develop an integrated research agenda that helps mobilize the research community to deliver timely, policy relevant knowledge around IPCC’s key focal areas for the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). Special attention will be given to integration across IPCC Working Groups. The workshop will identify knowledge gaps and areas for climate-resilient and sustainable solutions, where international coordination of research can crucially add value. It also aims to inform the scoping for the structure and priorities of the IPCC AR6. Both a workshop report for IPCC and a peer reviewed paper will be produced.

Open applications

In addition to speakers invited by the Scientific Committee, open seats for participation are offered to highly qualified scientists, early career climate scientists and experts with experience in or knowledge of the IPCC process. Applicants should provide a short proposal (150 words max) presenting their motivation and potential contribution to the workshop.

Financial support

Some support for travel and accommodation may be available. In order to benefit from financial support, participants must declare that they will not receive funding from other sources to attend the workshop.


Deadline for registration is 21 June.

Workshop Science Committee

Shobhakar DHAKAL, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Kristie EBI, School of Public Health, University of Washington, USA (co-chair).
Corinne LE QUÉRÉ, Tyndall Centre, University of East Anglia, UK.
Ramon PICHS-MADRUGA, IPCC WGIII Vice-Chair, Centre for World Economy Studies, University of Havana, Cuba.
Debra ROBERTS, IPCC WGII Co-Chair, Environmental Planning & Climate Protection Department, EThekwini Municipality, Durban, South Africa.
Johan ROCKSTRÖM, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden (co-chair).
Jean-François SOUSSANA, National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France.
Carolina VERA, IPCC WGI Vice-Chair, Center for Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Further information

For more details and to apply, go to: