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PAGES Town Hall Meeting


Qingdao, China

Contact person
Marie-France Loutre
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

PAGES will conduct a Town Hall meeting, on Tuesday 20 September, during the CLIVAR Open Science Meeting in Qingdao, China (18-25 September 2016).

The Town Hall will be held in the Hyatt Ballroom no.3, between 18:00-19:00.


The PAGES (Past Global Changes) project invites you to discuss common questions among the paleo, present day and future climate communities with the objective to strengthen the linkages between ongoing research in WCRP and PAGES.


The meeting will explore how scientists working on long and short time scales (past-­present-­future) might interact more effectively to tackle some of WCRP’s Grand Challenges and CLIVAR research foci, and benefit from common model simulations, data synthesis and methodologies.


The meeting will be organized with short presentations:

- PAGES and the WCRP/PAGES collaboration
- The status of the PMIP4 project
- Results and ongoing activity of some of the relevant PAGES working groups
- Attendees are invited to bring a one‐slide presentation on their favorite subject to stimulate the discussion.

Among many potential themes, we anticipate interactions on the following topics: long-­‐term ocean variability, linkages between the hydrological cycle, climate trends and variability, the characterization and analyses of extreme events, and emerging constraints from the past that can contribute to assess the credibility of future projections.

In order to have a stimulating and efficient meeting, please send your expression of interest to Marie-France Loutre ( (marie-france[dot]loutre[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)) and Pascale Braconnot ( (pascale[dot]braconnot[at]lsce[dot]ipsl[dot]fr)) with a few key words indicating which subjects you would like to discuss, so that the final agenda will best reflect the interest and goals of participants.

Invited speakers

Guy Brasseur

Dave Carlson

Further information

Please contact Marie-France Loutre: (marie-france[dot]loutre[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)