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4th International Symposium on The Effects of Climate Change on The World's Oceans


Washington, DC, USA

Meeting Category

The 4th International Symposium on The Effects of Climate Change on The World's Oceans will be held from 4-8 June 2018, in Washington, DC, USA. Pre-symposium workshops will be held from 2-3 June.


The 4th International Symposium will bring together experts from around the world to better understand climate impacts on ocean ecosystems – and how to respond.

The Symposium will:

- Highlight the latest information on how oceans are changing, what is at risk and how to respond
- Identify key knowledge gaps
- Promote collaborations
- Stimulate the next generation of science and actions.

The Symposium will include:

- Great sessions, presentations, and posters
- Opportunities for pre- or post-meeting workshops
- Special events for early career scientists
- Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities

Key Topic Areas

The Symposium provides the opportunity to share information, highlight activities, build partnerships and shape the future of this important field.

One objective for this Symposium is to present current research results and to facilitate the uptake of these new results in other analyses, including (but not restricted to) the 6th Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). A Special Volume of the ICES Journal of Marine Science is planned and it is expected that additional Special Volumes in peer-reviewed journals may emerge from this Symposium.

Sessions (4-8 June)

Concurrent Topic Sessions every day, following a morning plenary session:

Session 1: Ocean extremes and their impact on marine ecosystems
Session 2: From prediction to projection: the role of seasonal to decadal forecasts in a changing climate
Session 3: Carbon uptake, ocean acidification, and ecosystems and human impacts
Session 4: Deoxygenation in Global Ocean and Coastal Waters in Relation to Climate Change
Session 5: Climate change impacts on high latitude systems on multiple scales in space and time
Session 6: The deep ocean under climate change
Session 7: Eastern Boundary upwelling systems: diversity, coupled dynamics and sensitivity to climate change
Session 8: Understanding the impact of Abrupt Ocean Warming and Continental Scale Connections on marine productivity and food security via Western Boundary Currents
Session 9: Drifting into the Anthropocene: How will pelagic marine ecosystems be affected and what are the biogeochemical and lower trophic consequences
Session 10: Management and conservation of species on the move
Session 11: Benthic and pelagic system responses in a changing ocean: From genes to ecosystem level functioning
Session 12: Scenarios and models to explore the future of marine coupled human-natural systems under climate change
Session 13: Multiple stressors at multiple scales: ecosystem based management in the face of changing ocean conditions
Session 14: Vulnerability and adaptation of marine socio-ecological systems to climate change
Session 15: Fisheries and aquaculture in the face of climate change: Current actions, identified solutions and opportunities in support of sustainable livelihoods and food security
Session 16: Climate, oceans and security
Session 17: Effects of climate change on ocean ecosystem health: Projecting occurrences of harmful algal blooms and disease outbreaks and assessment of the risk to ecosystem functioning, aquaculture, fisheries and human health
Session 18: Coastal ecosystem and their blue carbon science, conservation and policy progress

Pre-symposium concurrent workshops (2-3 June)

Workshop 1: Communicating and responding to climate change
Workshop 2: Advances in Earth System Models (ESMs) for marine applications
Workshop 3: Exploring potential ocean-based solutions to climate change impacts on marine biodiversity and ecosystem services
Workshop 4: Climate change adaptation of fisheries and aquaculture: examples of field projects supporting countries and communities
Workshop 5: Climate Change and Fishing Communities: Interactions with Environmental Conservation, Sustainable Livelihoods and Food Security
Workshop 6: Utilizing bioenergetics measurements and modeling to evaluate climate change effects on marine species and ecosystems
Workshop 7: What do seabirds reveal about the effects of climate change on the World’s Oceans?
Workshop 8: Connecting climate, ocean and ecosystem observation – Ocean observation futures
Workshop 9: Vulnerability of Low Elevated Coastal Zones (LECZ) to SLR in changing oceans

Abstracts and registration

The website is now open for registration and abstract submission.

Submit your abstract here:

The deadline for abstracts and early registration is Friday 15 December 2017.

Further information

Go to the official website: