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MedCLIVAR 2018 Conference


Belgrade, Serbia

Meeting Category

The MedCLIVAR 2018 conference will be held at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, from 18-21 September 2018.


Faculty of Civil Engineering
University of Belgrade
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73
Belgrade city center


The conference invites researchers from all relevant fields on climate reconstruction, impacts, adaptation, and mitigation in the Mediterranean region and other Mediterranean climates.

The MedCLIVAR conferences offer to researchers from all relevant fields the opportunity to address open questions on the climate of the Mediterranean region and to present results, tools and methods for better understanding its complexity. Each MedCLIVAR conference is a forum where to contribute towards strategies to respond to climate change pressures on ecosystems and human societies, with discussion on impacts, adaptation, mitigation and policy solutions and options in the Mediterranean region.

This is the fifth of the series organized by MedCLIVAR, following MedCLIVAR 2011 (Lecce, Italy), MedCLIVAR 2012 (Madrid, Spain), MedCLIVAR 2014 (Ankara, Turkey), MedCLIVAR 2016 (Athens, Greece).

MedCLIVAR 2018 will include all traditional MedCLIVAR topics and will focus on creating bridges between scientists, research groups, and scholars dealing with typical Mediterranean climates, such as exist in areas of California, Chile, the Western Cape of South Africa, Western and Southern Australia.


1. The Mediterranean Regional Climate System, with contributions on modelling and observing the Mediterranean regional climate. The focus is on understanding climate processes, feedbacks and interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, hydrosphere, biosphere, cryosphere and geosphere. Conveners: Francois Dulac (IPSL, Univ. Paris-Saclay, France, (francois[dot]dulac[at]cea[dot]fr)), Margarida L. R. Liberato (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, (mlr[at]utad[dot]pt)), Uwe Ulbrich (Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, (uwe[dot]ulbrich[at]met[dot]fu-berlin[dot]de))

2. Past climate evolution of the Mediterranean region, including contributions on trends, rhythms, and extreme events on Milanković, millennial/centennial and interannual timescales, based on paleo-reconstructions, simulations and long instrumental time series. Conveners: Isabel Cacho (University of Barcelona, Spain, (icacho[at]ub[dot]edu)), Maria Triantaphyllou (University of Athens, Greece, (mtriant[at]geol[dot]uoa[dot]gr)), Polychronis Constantinos Tzedaki (University College London, UK, (p[dot]c[dot]tzedakis[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk))

3. Assessment of climate change in the Mediterranean region and climate projections, focusing on i) observation, detection and attribution of past trends ii) future evolution characterization using recent multi-model initiatives iii) presentation of novel dynamical and statistical modelling approaches Conveners: Paola Mercogliano (CIRA and CMCC, Italy, (P[dot]Mercogliano[at]cira[dot]it)), Samuel Somot (Meteo-France/CNRM, France, (samuel[dot]somot[at]meteo[dot]fr))

4. Climate extremes and hazards in the Mediterranean region under a changing climate, with contributions on extreme events and hazards in the Mediterranean, how they are linked to the changing climate and what are the predictions for the next decades. Conveners: Maria Carmen Llasat (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, (carmell[at]meteo[dot]ub[dot]edu)), Shlomit Paz (University of Haifa, Israel, (shlomit[at]geo[dot]haifa[dot]ac[dot]il))

5. Past, Present and Future change of Mediterranean-type climates, this session will compare and contrast across the five Mediterranean-type climates (occurring also in the Western United States, South Africa, central Chile and South Australia) the character and mechanisms of variability and change on interannual to centennial timescales. Conveners: Richard Seager (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, USA, (seager[at]ldeo[dot]columbia[dot]edu)), Isla Simpson (NCAR, USA, (islas[at]ucar[dot]edu))

6. Societal impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean region, considering multidisciplinary climate-environment-human societal systems, feedbacks and interactions, environmental pressures and responses, lessons for the future. Conveners: Ana Iglesias (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, (ana[dot]iglesias[at]upm[dot]es)), Athanasios T. Vafeidis (University of Kiel, Germany, (vafeidis[at]geographie[dot]uni-kiel[dot]de))

7. Climate Services in the Mediterranean regions, presenting and discussing activities related to the development of sustainable climate services, based on continuous dialog and partnership between scientists, climate data and related products providers, stakeholders and end-users. Conveners: Silvio Gualdi (INGV and CMCC, Italy, (silvio[dot]gualdi[at]ingv[dot]it)), Vladimir Djurdjevic (University of Belgrade, Serbia, (vdj[at]ff[dot]bg[dot]ac[dot]rs))

Important dates

30 November 2017: Details of session organization and first circular
21 March 2018: Second circular
2 April: Abstract submission opens
17 May: Deadline for abstract submission
16 June: Letter of acceptance with oral or poster selection
15 July: Deadline for reduced early registration fee
15 July: Deadline for nomination of YS awards
20 July: Final program published online
24 August: Deadline for late poster submission
16-21 September: In situ registration
17 September: Opening
18-21 September: MedCLIVAR 2018 conference
21 September: Roundtable and best poster awards

Further information

Go to the official website: