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PMIP4 Working Group "Past2Future: insights from a constantly varying past" workshop


London, UK

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A workshop from the PMIP4 Working group called "Past2Future: insights from a constantly varying past" will be held from 13-17 May 2019 in London, UK.


This workshop is hosted at University College London on behalf of the PMIP Working Group.


This workshop is a week-long exploration of multi-model, multi- experiment insights from PMIP4/CMIP6. It will be a small group of researchers, focusing on processing and exploring the upcoming simulations from the PMIP4/CMIP6 archive.

PMIP4/CMIP6 is using the same models to simulate several past climates, as well as the future. This gives us the possibility of using the past climate responses to provide quantitative insights into the projections: either through exploration and testing of the mechanisms, or as observational constraints.

With the availability of the new iteration of past and future simulations, there is a need to focus on the application and expansion of these methods.


- Accelerate efforts to perform Past2Future analyses
- Update PMIP3 analyses
- Provide a collaborative space for writing timely outputs (esp. given upcoming IPCC deadlines)


The workshop will start with poster presentations and rapidly move onto group-working. There is an outline and programme for the workshop at:

Abstracts and Registration

Attendance is free, but you will need to cover your own expenses. Some brief information about accommodation and travel is on the website.

If you are able to attend please send (a) an abstract of the research you'd like to present on your poster and (b) two sentences saying what you'd be interested in exploring during an initial analysis of the PMIP4 ensemble.

These abstracts/interests should be submitted by 1 February 2019 via email to Chris Brierley: (c[dot]brierley[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk)

Further information

Contact the local host Chris Brierley: