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Sustainability Research and Innovation 2021

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Workshop report
Contact person
Future Earth and Belmont Forum
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Meeting Category

The inaugural Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2021) will be a hybrid event, with a diverse and innovative online program alongside onsite participation in Brisbane, Australia, from 12-15 June 2021.

A satellite event, Transformations 2021, will be held from 17-18 June. All details.


Did you submit a session proposal to the cancelled SRI2020? All accepted sessions will be automatically rolled over into the new Congress program, so you will not need to submit a new proposal. For those who submitted applications for Popcorn Sessions and Demonstrations please resubmit your proposal. See below for all details.


Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Center


Future Earth, which supports the largest global community of systems-focused sustainability researchers and innovators, and the Belmont Forum, the world’s largest consortium of transdisciplinary global change and sustainability research funders, are joining forces to establish a marquis congress in which the world’s foremost research and innovation communities come together to share successes, exchange views, and work across disciplines and sectors to support a global transformation to sustainability.

SRI2021 will be the first in a congress series that will serve as a focal point in the sustainability science and innovation calendar, and will be a venue for networking, training, partnership building, and knowledge exchange opportunities. As such, the meeting series is being designed as an umbrella under which side events, special sessions, mentoring, valorization, capacity-building and town hall activities will take place to support a vibrant, diverse, and growing community.

The SRI2021 congress will gather leads in sustainability science, innovation, funding, communication, and implementation, providing opportunities for career development, engagement, and active participation not possible in the sector or discipline-specific meetings.


The first convening will bring together a global community of transdisciplinary research and innovation in an engaging, interactive format, allowing leaders in sustainability innovation to work alongside the world’s leading sustainability scientists, and to engage policy leaders working to support the major international policy processes supporting this transition (Agenda 2030, the UN SDGs, Paris Agreement on climate change, Sendai Framework for Disaster and Risk, Aichi targets).


The five themes are:

- Green recovery and circular economy

- Youth and sustainability

- Root causes of global socio-economic crises

- Beyond 2030

- Dealing with systemic risks

Session proposals

The session proposal (English) submission deadline is 15 December 2020.

Diverse, innovative, inter- and transdisciplinary proposals offering fresh perspectives to sustainability to further enrich the Congress program are invited to join the almost 100 sessions already accepted in the SRI2020 call.

In addition to English, SRI2021 accepts proposals in French, Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese. Session proposals in these four languages will be accepted until 1 January 2021.

All details:


Registration is now open:

Registration to the SRI2021 Satellite Event, Transformations 2021, is also open, and participants can register to both events using the joint registration form.

Supported by

SRI2021 is supported by a consortium including: Future Earth Australia (hosted by the Australian Academy of Science), CSIRO, the University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, and the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Further information

Go to the official website:

Email the organizers: (sri[at]futureearth[dot]org)

Sessions involving PAGES

Past global changes as indicators for future changes and strategies for sustainability

Conveners: Marie-France Loutre, PAGES IPO; Peter Gell, Federation University Australia; Katrin Meissner, Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC), University of New South Wales, Australia; Boris Vannière, Chrono-environnement, CNRS - Université de Franche-Comté, France.

Tuesday 15 June, 9:00-10:00 UTC (11:00-12:00 CEST):

International reports on climate (e.g. IPCC) and Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) describe the unprecedented changes that occurred over the last few decades to the Earth system. However, climate and living conditions have changed in Earth’s history. Therefore it is important to identify the correct reference point or at least to be aware of how humans are shaping climate and ecosystems.

Paleoclimate research is interested since many decades in identifying baseline of changes, thresholds, and upper limits to reduce the risks and impacts of climate change. A similar approach is used in palaeoecology and palaeogeography about e.g. fire, waterway condition, ocean productivity, coastal stability, terrestrial biodiversity.

Although the multiple impacts of climate and human activities make projection of changes difficult, long-term reconstructions of past changes can disentangle natural and anthropic causes. Studying past changes and their impacts on ecosystems and human societies can provide insights into potential future changes and their impacts on living conditions, give some clues on the resilience and transformations of systems under changing boundary conditions, and facilitate identification of thresholds of potential concern and safe operating space (away from threshold value or dangerous level).

Past flood or fire conditions; impact of fire, droughts, floods, and volcanic activity on societies in the past; consequences of volcanic eruption as an analogue to geoengineering, are a few amongst the many examples showing how information from the past can be used for future projections and sustainability.

We welcome contributions presenting concrete examples of past changes that can shed light on future changes. The session will be organized around key questions:

1. Which paleo-information can inform on risk for ecosystems and societies?

2. How can we transform paleo-data into understandable products for partners, practitioners and policy makers?

3. What insights from paleo-perspectives can we use to support decision-making?

The Changing Face of Wildfires and Effects on Human Health

Conveners: Hannah Liddy, Megan Melamed, Ben Poulter, ILEAPS, Garry Hayman, Boris Vannière, Marie-France Loutre, Pep Canadell.

Sunday 13 June/Monday 14 June 2021, Midnight-01:00 UTC (02:00-03:00 CEST):

Wildfire behavior is changing as climate extremes combine with decades of fire suppression and forest management activities to alter fuel loads. In addition, urban development and rapid suburban sprawl have complicated the wildland-urban interface, bringing people and fire together in ways that risk property, infrastructure, and health. In this session, we will bring together experts in past fire regime dynamics, fire behavior, fire modeling, atmospheric chemistry, and human health to explore how wildfires in natural and managed systems are changing in response to climate extremes. In particular, we invite those interested in 1) millennial to centennial fire regime variability and climate-related drivers, 2) fire behavior and the suitability of existing fire spread models to represent changing conditions, 3) trace-gas emissions and their atmospheric chemistry and transport, and 4) public health impacts via direct and indirect fire and emission processes to attend and participate in this Fora Session.

Post meeting material

The SRI2021 have decided to openly avail the content of the congress. If you are interested in watching the recordings, you can create an account and access the recordings for free here