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SCAR 2020 Online

Online meeting
Working groups
Meeting Category

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 2020 Open Science Conference will be held online from 3-7 August 2020.


SCAR’s Open Science Conferences have been a focal point for the Antarctic research community for over 15 years. Through SCAR 2020 Online, organizers are excited to present many of the highlights of the science they had originally planned to bring to you at the Hobart OSC, which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

All the activities of SCAR 2020 Online will take place via the OnAIR event portal. To join you will need to register here. Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email. Your login details for the OnAIR portal will be sent to you on 20 July. If you register after 20 July, login details will be sent to you immediately upon registering. If you do not receive your login email, please first check your Junk inbox, before contacting

Access to the portal is via your browser and there is no extra software to download.

Registration is free and open to everybody.

Important dates

8 July 2020: Registration opens

13 July 2020: Poster and document upload opens

20 July 2020: Poster and document viewing starts

20 July 2020: Final schedule

3-7 August 2020: SCAR 2020 Online


SCAR 2020 Online is more than a live event – it is a collection of opportunities for researchers to engage with each other, and for those outside of research to find out more about this exciting field.

Invited speakers will be delivering a range of plenary sessions, workshops and symposia.

Authors of accepted abstracts for the cancelled Hobart OSC will be sharing material for view and comment before and after the meeting.

A number of text-based chat sessions and virtual poster sessions are planned.

Access the program here:

Plenary speakers

Access the list of plenary speakers and times (in UTC) here:

Mini symposia

Access the list and times of the three presentations (in UTC) here:


Access the list of workshops here:


All those who submitted abstracts for the in-person meeting in Hobart are now invited to upload material to be displayed online.

Register here:

Further information

Go to the official website:

A book of all the accepted abstracts that were submitted to the cancelled Hobart OSC has been created. These are listed in a single document as well as broken down by individual session theme:

PAGES 2k Network CLIVASH2k project announcement

CLIVASH2k leaders had planned a session at the in-person OSC, as well as some social events to get the CLIVASH2k team together. Sadly, this will not be possible but leaders propose to meet virtually during the SCAR conference week.

Leaders encourage all those who submitted abstracts to session 6, which is not being run virtually, to upload your presentations or posters. Despite not having a dedicated session, the content will be available for everyone to view throughout the week.

Virtual meeting 4 August

A virtual CLIVASH2k meeting has been proposed for Tuesday 4 August 09:00-11:00 UTC. Find your time here. This would follow the plenary session given by Nerilie Abram.


The meeting will be an opportunity to update the group on past CLIVASH2k activities and plan future work.

One particular area project leaders would like to discuss is expanding the PAGES 2k database. The compilations of stable water isotopes and snow accumulation have been widely used and demonstrate their value to the community. The group now proposes compiling a database of chemistry, possibly sodium, from ice cores or other archives. Ideas will be presented at the meeting and with the plan to engage others to join.


In order to plan the meeting, "register" your intent to join by emailing Liz Thomas: (lith[at]bas[dot]ac[dot]uk) and Diana Vladimirova:

There will be time for a few short talks and updates, so please let leaders know if you would like to present something. This is not a conference style talk but an opportunity to update everyone on CLIVASH2k-relevant activities or outputs. Ideas for discussion or proposals of future activities are also welcomed.