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CRIAS 3rd workshop: State of the Art of Historical Climatology in International Perspective

Online meeting
Contact person
Qing Pei
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The 3rd Climate Reconstruction and Impacts from Archives of Societies (CRIAS) workshop, titled "State of the Art of Historical Climatology in International Perspective", will be held online from 19-20 March 2021.

This workshop was originally scheduled to take place in person from 25-26 September 2020 in Hong Kong.

How to join

The workshop times are:

19 March 11:00-13:15 UTC

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 995 4425 1496. Meeting Passcode: 991213

20 March 07:00-09:30 UTC

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 921 2464 6838. Meeting Passcode: 193319

20 March 11:00-13:30 UTC

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 958 2743 0735. Meeting Passcode: 649966


This workshop will focus on advancing methods and international cooperation in the reconstruction of past climates using written sources, focusing on global comparisons of methods and results in historical climatology. Participants from different regions in the world will share their latest findings and achievements by using social archives to reconstruct past climate change.

The two-day workshop consists of different sessions. In each, we will hear three to four presentations, which will be followed by a discussion. The workshop language is English. Presenters of accepted papers are asked to speak for 15-20 minutes.

Program (all times in UTC)

19 March

Section 1: Scholars from China

11:00-11:30: Opening remarks

11:30-12:00: Keynote by Professor Jingyun Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences: "Temperature and Dry-Wet index series reconstructed from historical documents in monsoon China for the past 2000 years"

12:00-12:15: Professor Zhixin Hao, Chinese Academy of Sciences: "Severe droughts of 1876-1878 in North China and possible causes"

12:15-12:30: Professor Xiuqi Fang, Beijing Normal University: "From climate anomaly to adaptation: Historical sources of climate change in the integrated natural disaster information system of the Qing Dynasty"

12:30-12:45: Professor Jie Fei, Fudan University: "Water level change of Lake Machang in Eastern China during the past 200 years"

12:45-13:00: Dr. Yachen Liu, Xi’an University: "The potential and challenges of phenological records from Chinese poems for climate reconstruction"

13:00-13:15: Questions and discussions

20 March

Section 2: Scholars from Asia (excluding China)

07:00-07:30: Keynote by Professor Takehiko Mikami, Tokyo Metropolitan University: "Recent progress in the Historical Climatology of Japan"

07:30-07:45: Dr. Junpei Hirano, Teikyo University: "Comparison of winter daily weather patterns in Japan reconstructed from old diaries and 20th century reanalysis data during the 19th century"

07:45-08:00: Dr. Naoko Hasegawa, Ochanomizu University: "Re-examination of original documents of freezing and Omiwatari dates for Lake Suwa"

08:00-08:15: Dr. Fiona Williamson, Singapore Management University: "Exploring ENSO from archives of societies: looking at the strong El Niño of 1877-8 in Singapore and Malaysia"

08:15-08:30: Questions and discussions

Section 3: Scholars from Europe

08:30-08:45: Dr. Michael Kahle, University Freiburg: "Towards a unified description of paleoclimate data and historical documents"

08:45-09:00: Professor Paul Erdkamp, Vrije Universiteit Brussel: "Counting famines and droughts: A proxy for climate change or political unrest?"

09:00-09:15: Dr. Nicolas Maughan, Aix-Marseille University: "Potential of documentary data to study past fires related to weather effects"

09:15-09:30: Questions and discussions

Section 4: Scholars from Europe and Argentina

11:00-11:30: Keynote by Professor Christian Rohr, University of Bern: "The auxiliary science of historical chronology and its role for climatologists"

11:30-11:45: Dr. Alice Harvey-Fishenden, University of Liverpool: "Evaluating the utility of qualitative personal diaries in precipitation reconstruction in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries"

11:45-12:00: Dr. Rowan Jackson, University of Edinburgh: "Climate variability and interpersonal violence in Iceland and Scotland: a deep time, diachronic analysis"

12:00-12:15: Dr. Andrés Antico, National University of the Littoral: "Recent advances of historical climatology in the Paraná River basin, South America"

12:15-12:30: Questions and discussions

Section 5: Free discussions and speeches (within 3 minutes)

12:30-13:15: Covered topics: 1. How to use new early instrumental series for calibration of historical climatology reconstructions; 2. Suggestions for the planning of the next CRIAS workshop.

13:15-13:30: Concluding remarks and invitation to next workshop by Dr. Sam White.

Supporting materials

> Access the abstract booklet (3.8MB, pdf)

> Access the program schedule (534KB, pdf)

Expected outcome of the workshop

The accepted participants will be invited to contribute to a special issue of Climate of the Past, titled "International Methods and Comparisons in Climate Reconstruction and Impacts from Archives of Societies".

The submissions date for the special issue is 30 April 2021. The workshop will provide a forum to discuss results and to finalize contributions.

Organizing committee

Qing Pei, Chantal Camenisch, Sam White, Martin Bauch and Heli Huhtamaa

Further information

If you have further questions, please contact workshop organizer Qing Pei: (qingpei[at]eduhk[dot]hk)

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