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This database contains publications, meeting products and outreach material emerging from PAGES activities. It is a requirement that all products listed here acknowledge PAGES, a PAGES working group or a meeting supported by PAGES.

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Strandberg G, Lindstrom J, Poska A, Zhang Q, Fyfe R, Githumbi E,…
Quaternary Science Reviews
Fig. 1. Description of the model chain for 6 ka. All RCM simulations read boundary conditions from EC-Earth. A first set of simulations are made with current land cover (0), these climate scenarios are used in LPJ-GUESS to provide the 6 ka potential natural land cover (L1, L2) subsequently used in the RCMs. A Bayesian spatial model is used to reconstruct 6 ka land cover (R) that is also used in the RCMs.
Mariani M, Connor SE, Theuerkauf M, Herbert A, Kuneš P, Bowman D,…
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Mariani M, Connor SE, Theuerkauf M, Herbert A, Kuneš P, Bowman D,…
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Img 1: Disruption of cultural burning promotes shrub encroachment and unprecedented wildfires
Heikkilä M, Ribeiro S, Weckström K and Pieńkowski AJ
Overview of key cryosphere processes and ecosystem interactions in the coastal zone, including deposition and preservation of proxies (paleo-records).