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This database contains publications, meeting products and outreach material emerging from PAGES activities. It is a requirement that all products listed here acknowledge PAGES, a PAGES working group or a meeting supported by PAGES.

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Garrett E, Gehrels WR, Hayward BW, Newnham R, Gehrels MJ, Morey CJ…
Journal of Quaternary Science
Location of the tidal marsh at Mokomoko Inlet. In panels a and b, tide-gauge station abbreviations are as follows: PWB: Puysegur Welcome Bay, DUN: Dunedin, BLF: Bluff. Panel b shows locations of Mokomoko Inlet (this study), Waikawa Harbour (Figueira, 2012; Figueira and Hayward, 2014), and Pounawea (Southall et al., 2006; Gehrels et al., 2008). Aerial photo of Mokomoko Inlet in panel c is from Bing Maps (, image copyright DigitalGlobe, 2020). Panels d and e show the topography and ve
Walker JS, Kopp RE, Little CM & Horton BP
Nature Communications
 Fig. 2: Spatial variability in the time of emergence of modern rates of relative sea level.
Heikkilä M, Ribeiro S, Weckström K and Pieńkowski AJ
Overview of key cryosphere processes and ecosystem interactions in the coastal zone, including deposition and preservation of proxies (paleo-records).
Procyk R, Lovejoy S and Hébert R
Earth System Dynamics