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Austermann J and Simms A
Past Global Changes Magazine
Oksman M, Kvorning AB, Luostarinen T, Weckström K, Ribeiro S,…
Past Global Changes Magazine
Garrett E, Gehrels WR, Hayward BW, Newnham R, Gehrels MJ, Morey CJ…
Journal of Quaternary Science
Location of the tidal marsh at Mokomoko Inlet. In panels a and b, tide-gauge station abbreviations are as follows: PWB: Puysegur Welcome Bay, DUN: Dunedin, BLF: Bluff. Panel b shows locations of Mokomoko Inlet (this study), Waikawa Harbour (Figueira, 2012; Figueira and Hayward, 2014), and Pounawea (Southall et al., 2006; Gehrels et al., 2008). Aerial photo of Mokomoko Inlet in panel c is from Bing Maps (, image copyright DigitalGlobe, 2020). Panels d and e show the topography and ve
Githumbi E, Pirzamanbein B, Lindström J, Poska A, Fyfe R, Mazier F,…
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Figure 3. Validation datasets of major land-cover types (LCTs: B, broad-leaved forest; C, coniferous forest; O, open land), area of confidence region (CR) and compositional distance (CD) estimates. (A) CR (100 BP–present): area of confidence regions for 100 BP–present time-window (smaller values are better, see Figure 2 for examples of CRs); (B) 100 BP–present: reconstructed proportions of LCTs in Europe for the most recent time window; (C) EFI-FM: observed modern LCT proportions according to the European f
Strandberg G, Lindstrom J, Poska A, Zhang Q, Fyfe R, Githumbi E,…
Quaternary Science Reviews
Fig. 1. Description of the model chain for 6 ka. All RCM simulations read boundary conditions from EC-Earth. A first set of simulations are made with current land cover (0), these climate scenarios are used in LPJ-GUESS to provide the 6 ka potential natural land cover (L1, L2) subsequently used in the RCMs. A Bayesian spatial model is used to reconstruct 6 ka land cover (R) that is also used in the RCMs.
Walker JS, Kopp RE, Little CM & Horton BP
Nature Communications
 Fig. 2: Spatial variability in the time of emergence of modern rates of relative sea level.
Mariani M, Connor SE, Theuerkauf M, Herbert A, Kuneš P, Bowman D,…
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Mariani M, Connor SE, Theuerkauf M, Herbert A, Kuneš P, Bowman D,…
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Img 1: Disruption of cultural burning promotes shrub encroachment and unprecedented wildfires
Heikkilä M, Ribeiro S, Weckström K and Pieńkowski AJ
Overview of key cryosphere processes and ecosystem interactions in the coastal zone, including deposition and preservation of proxies (paleo-records).
Plunkett G, Sigl M, Schwaiger HF, Tomlinson EL, Toohey M, McConnell…
Climate of the Past
Key sites and ice-core records referred to in the paper
Stoffel M, Corona C, Ludlow F, Sigl M, Huhtamaa H, Garnier E, Helama…
Climate of the Past
Figure 1: Monthly resolution non-sea-salt sulfur records from ice cores in (a) Greenland and (b) Antarctica, with (c) stratospheric aerosol optical depth (SAOD) and estimated radiative forcing (RF) between 1630-1650 (data: Toohey & Sigl, 2017).
Gaillard M-J, Githumbi E, Achoundong G, Lézine A-M, Hély C, Lebamba J…
Menviel L, Govin A, Avenas A, Meissner KJ, Grant KM and Tzedakis PC
Communications Earth & Environment
Fig. 1: Overview of the penultimate deglaciation and LIG.
Keogh ME, Törnqvist TE, Kolker AS, Erkens G, Bridgeman JG
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Gao C, Ludlow F, Matthews JA, Stine AR, Robock A, Pan Y, Breen R,…
Communications Earth & Environment
Img 1: Volcanic climate impacts can act as ultimate and proximate causes of Chinese dynastic collapse
Crick L, Burke A, Hutchison W, Kohno M, Moore KA, Savarino J, Doyle…
Climate of the Past
Cerrone C, Vacchi M, Fontana A & Rovere A
Earth System Science Data
Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the western Mediterranean
Boyden P, Casella E, Daly C & Rovere A.
Geo-Marine Letters
Maxwell K, Westphal H & Rovere A.
Earth System Science Data
Sluyter A.
Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research
GIS of Middle America
Dyer B, Austermann J, D'Andrea W.J, Creel R.C, Sandstrom M.R,…