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ICYS seminar series

ICYS hosts an international ice-core seminar series which started in 2021, with the support of the International Partnership in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS).

ICYS holds monthly seminars with two talks – one from a senior researcher, followed by an early-career researcher (ECR) in a similar research theme.

There is plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Organizers feel that this is be a good way to bring together international ice-core-related research.

The series aims to provide much needed scientific interactions between researchers at all stages in their careers, especially given the cancellation of in-person conferences at this time.

Upcoming Seminar

To be confirmed. 

> View ICYS calendar

Interested in presenting?

Anyone who is keen to give a presentation of their work should contact the organizers:

Past Seminars 2023

18th Seminar 

The 18th ICYS seminar was held on 13 April 2023

1) Anja Eichler (Paul Scherrer Institute) “Ammonium stories preserved in high-alpine ice cores”

2) Alexis Lamothe (Université Grenoble Alpes) "15N stable isotopes of ammonium: a new proxy to decipher atmospheric conditions and NH3 sources"

17th Seminar

The 17th ICYS seminar was held on 23 March 2023.

1) Dr. Feiyue Wang (University of Manitoba) "The ice core records of mercury prior to EGRIP"

2) Delia Segato (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) on "An increase in mercury flux through the Glacial to Holocene transition"

3) Jeff (Zhiyuan) Gao (University of Manitoba) on "A sip of the long-term mercury record in EGRIP glacier ice core"

Past Seminars 2021 - 2022

16th Seminar

The 16th ICYS seminar was held on 19 May 2022

1) Margit Schwikowski (Paul Scherrer Institute) “Environmental changes from glacier ice cores and the ICE MEMORY initiative.”

2) Carla Huber (Paul Scherrer Institute) “Recent accelerated melting endangers high-mountain glacier archives.”

15th Seminar

The 15th seminar was held on 3 March 2022.

1) Jeff Severinghaus (SCRIPPS, UC San Diego, USA) “Mean ocean temperature reconstructions based on noble gas ratios.”

2) Markus Grimmer (University of Bern, Switzerland) “MIS5-6 mean ocean temperature data from the EDC ice core.”

14th Seminar

The 14th seminar was held on 17 February 2022

1) Thomas Bauska (British Antarctic Survey) "Where did you come from, where did you go?  Tracking ancient CO2 sources and sinks with carbon isotopes."

2) Florian Krauss (University of Bern) "Continuous Sublimation Extraction/Laser Spectroscopy - a novel method for greenhouse gas measurements in the oldest ice."

13th Seminar

The 13th seminar was held on 20 January 2022.

1) Yoshinori Iizuka (Hokkaido University) “Ice Core Drilling Project at SE-Dome site, southeastern Greenland Ice Sheet"

2) Shohei Hattori (Nanjing University) “Acidity-driven enhancement of sulfate formation after SO2 emission control evidenced by 17O-excess of ice core sulfate”

12th Seminar

The 12th seminar was held on 14 December 2021.

1. Shugui Hou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) “Chronology of Tibetan ice cores revisited”

2.  Florian Ritterbusch (Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, China) “Absolute Ice dating with noble gas radioisotopes”

11th seminar

The 11th seminar was held on 4 November 2021

1. Amaëlle Landais (LSCE, France) “The use of isotopic and elementar composition of oxygen in ice cores for dating and climate reconstruction”


2.  Ji-Woong Yang (LSCE, France) “Triple isotopic composition of air oxygen and biosphere productivity reconstruction”

(No recording available)

10th seminar

The 10th seminar was held on 14 October 2021

1. Liz Thomas (British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge) “Ode to the west wind – why do we care about Southern Ocean winds and what can ice cores tell us?”

2. Dieter Tetzner (British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge) “Diatoms in Antarctic ice cores, a novel proxy for reconstructing past wind variability in the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind belt”

Ninth seminar

The ninth seminar was held on 23 September

1. Tessa Vance (University of Tasmania) presents ‘Investigating long term variability in the southern Indian Ocean using East Antarctic ice cores: Hydroclimate variability in Australia’

2.    [ECR] Sarah Jackson (Australian National University, Canberra): ‘Investigating long term variability in the southern Indian Ocean using East Antarctic ice cores: Hydroclimate variability using water stable isotopes’

Eighth seminar

The eighth seminar was held on 19 August

1. ECR speaker Danielle Udy (University of Tasmania, Australia) presents "Synoptic weather patterns in the Southern Indian Ocean, and implications for ice core interpretation".

2. Dr. Holly Winton (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) presents "Linking Southern Ocean aerosol observations to ice core chemistry".

3. Dr. Simon Alexander (Australian Antarctic Division) presents "Regional variations in precipitation and aerosols at high southern latitudes".

Sixth seminar

The sixth seminar was held on 17 June.

1. Eric Wolff (University of Cambridge, UK) presents "Processes affecting dissolved and particulate aerosol compounds in old ice: why we care".

2. Felix Ng (University of Sheffield, UK) presents "Diffusion-advection of climate signals in ice-core dissolved ions".

3. Giovanni Baccolo (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy) presents "Unexpected minerals in deep ice: paleoclimatic, Antarctic and extra-terrestrial implications".

Fifth seminar

The fifth seminar was held on 27 May.

1. Hubertus Fischer (Professor, Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland) presents "Ice core reconstruction of past changes in the nitrous oxide cycle (using stable isotopes)".

2. James Andy Menking (Postdoc, Oregon State University, USA) presents "Deglacial N2O: New Constraints from Novel Isotope Data".

3. Jochen Schmitt (Senior scientist, Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland) presents "What is the process behind in situ production of N2O? fingerprints from stable isotopes".

Fourth seminar

The fourth seminar was held on 12 May.

1. Eliza Cook (Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen University, Denmark) "Volcanism and the Greenland ice-cores: a new tephrochronology framework for the last glacial-interglacial transition based on cryptotephra deposits in three ice cores".

2. Niccolò Maffezzoli (University of Venice, Italy, and University of Bergen, Norway) "Automatic and continuous detection of ice core particles via deep learning".

Third seminar

The third seminar was held on 15 April.

1. "How cold was Antarctica during the Last Glacial Maximum? New estimates from borehole thermometry and firn processes", Christo Buizert (Oregon State University, USA)

2. "Differing energy pathways of the last two interglaciations: a mean ocean temperature perspective", Sarah Shackleton (Princeton University, USA)

> Access the full webinar recording here.

Second seminar

The second seminar was held on 1 April.

1. "Water isotopes, ice cores, and paleoclimate", Bradley Markle (University of Colorado/INSTAAR, USA).

2. "How does the isotopic composition of the surface snow change during snow metamorphism, and what are the processes driving this change?", Romilly Harris-Stuart (University of Bergen, Norway).

First seminar

1. "Mass spectrometry under the ice", Carlo Barbante (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) (15 min) + Questions and discussion (8 min).

2. "High res = high gain? New frontiers in ice core trace element analysis with laser ablation ICP-MS", Pascal Bohleber (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) (10 min) + Questions and discussion (8 min).

The seminar also presented more details on the new DEEPICE training network:

3. "DEEPICE: A new research & training network on understanding proxies from Antarctic deep ice", Emilie Capron (10 min) + Questions and discussion (8 min).