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Varves Database

The Varves Database (VDB) containing all records as discussed in Ojala et al. (2012) is online (VDB version: 26 March 2012).

> Go to the Varves Database (.xlxs 58 kb)

Please report new sites, additional references, updates, errors, etc. to Antti Ojala: (antti[dot]ojala[at]gtk[dot]fi)

Data stewardship scholarship project

The Varves Working Group was awarded a Data Stewardship Scholarship in May 2021.

Data steward

Anna Beckett (Royal Holloway University of London) and Eloise Wilkinson Rowe


To incorporate geochemical information of (crypto-)tephra records into the existing varve database (VARDA 1.0); to increase the number of varve records in the database; and to develop detailed searches and consistent quality control within the database.


The VARDA database is available online at

Final product

VARDA 2.0 database