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PAGES2k Network Global Common Era Multiproxy Temperature Field Reconstructions (2019)

Current version: V2.0.0

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> Access data (Figshare)
> Access data (WDS Paleo)

Citation details Raphael Neukom, Nathan Steiger, Juan José Gómez-Navarro, Jianghao Wang and Johannes P. Werner. 2019. No evidence for globally coherent warm and cold periods over the pre-industrial Common Era. Nature, 571, 550-554. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1401-2

Summary of Reconstruction database

The Reconstruction of global temperature collates six ensemble field reconstructions for the Common Era (1-2000AD), each based on a different methodology, and set to a 5 degree grid resolution. These reconstructions were used to identify evidence for whether globally coherent warm and cold periods occurred during this time frame (See Neukom et al., 2019). The reconstructions use a subset (257 of 688 records) of the PAGES2K Global Multiproxy Temperature Database v2.0.0 (PAGES2K 2017), with all records at a resolution of annual or higher. The six reconstruction methods chosen were Composite plus scale (CPS), Principal-component regression (PCR), Data assimilation (DA), Analogue method (AM), GraphEM, and Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) (Neukom 2019).

How to access reconstruction data:

The reconstruction outcomes, and screened input data subset can be found on both Figshare, and WDS PALEO, which can be accessed via the buttons below, or at the top of the page. the dataset is available as netcdf files. The original PAGES2k v2.0.0 dataset is also archived on WDS PALEO.

The sites contain all metadata and citation information, as well as data folders containing:

  • Netcdf files of the reconstructions for each individual methodology

  • A readme. file describing the dataset

  • A zip folder containing R code and required input data to recreate figures from the publication.

> Access data (Figshare)

> Access data (WDS Paleo)