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Partner projects

PAGES 2k Network is proud to be associated with the following international projects:

Last Millennium Reanalysis

Paleoclimate data assimilation has emerged as a powerful approach to understand low-frequency climate variations, blending paleoclimate observations with the dynamical constraints of climate models.

The Last Millennium Reanalysis (LMR) project has developed a framework (see figure 1, below) to accomplish this, relying heavily on annually-resolved records from the PAGES2k data collection.

LMR is based on principles of open science, and will make all output and code available upon project completion in the summer of 2018.

> Go to the LMR YouTube channel to see presentations from the 2017 meeting.


IMR Figure




Linked EarthLinkedEarth is an EarthCube-funded project aiming to better organize and share Earth science data, especially paleoclimate data.

LinkedEarth uses innovative semantic web technology to facilitate the work of paleo scientists.

The LinkedEarth data repository is centered around the Linked Paleo Data (LiPD) framework, empowering scientists to curate their own data and compilations and to build new tools centered around those (e.g. GeoChronRPyleoclim).

LinkedEarth was designed with the needs of PAGES-style data syntheses in mind, as exemplified by the PAGES 2k compilation.

In collaboration with the World Data Service for Paleoclimatology and PAGES, LinkedEarth is currently soliciting input on data standards for paleoclimatology.

> Keep up to date with LinkedEarth news and announcements here.