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ARAMATE people

Team leaders

Paul Butler, University of Exeter, UK: (p[dot]butler[at]exeter[dot]ac[dot]uk) (mailing list administrator)
Ulf Büntgen, University of Cambridge, UK: (ulf[dot]buentgen[at]geog[dot]cam[dot]ac)

Team members

Carin Andersson, Uni Research, Norway: (carin[dot]andersson[at]uni[dot]no)
Bryan Black, University of Texas at Austin, USA: (bryan[dot]black[at]utexas[dot]edu)
Audrey Geffen, University of Bergen, Norway: (Audrey[dot]Geffen[at]bio[dot]uib[dot]no)
Jane Godiksen, Havforskningsinstituttet, Norway: (jane[dot]godiksen[at]imr[dot]no)
Peter Grønkær, Aarhus University, Denmark: (peter[dot]groenkjaer[at]bios[dot]au[dot]dk)
Poul Holm, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland: (holmp[at]tcd[dot]ie)
David Reynolds, Cardiff University, UK: (ReynoldsD3[at]cardiff[dot]ac[dot]uk)
Christoph Stransky, Thünen Institute, Germany: (christoph[dot]stransky[at]thuenen[dot]de)
Ruth Thurstan, University of Exeter, UK: (r[dot]thurstan[at]exeter[dot]ac[dot]uk)
Peter van der Sleen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany: (jan[dot]sleen[at]kit[dot]edu)

Data liaison officer

Madelyn Mette, US Geological Survey, USA: (mjmette1[at]gmail[dot]com)

PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) representative

Stella Alexandroff, Exeter University, UK

Learn more and participate

This group is open to anyone who is interested. To participate, subscribe to the mailing list or contact the project leaders, above.

Subscribe to the ARAMATE mailing list here.

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