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NAmerica2k people

Group Leader

Nick McKay, Northern Arizona University (Paleolimnology, data synthesis, Data Manager Phase 2)

Phase 2 - Group Members

Scott Anderson, Northern Arizona University (Lake sediments, charcoal)
Toby Ault, Cornell University (Modeling, speleothems and corals)
Hugo Belrami, St. Francis Xavier University (Boreholes)
Ray Bradley, University of Massachusetts (Modern and paleoclimatology)
Julia Cole, University of Arizona (Speleothems and corals)
Ed Cook, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (Tree rings)
Mike Evans, University of Maryland (Marine proxies, modeling)
David Fischer, Geological Survey of Canada (Glaciology)
Sheri Fritz, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Paleolimnology)
Konrad Gajewski, University of Ottawa (Palynology)
Nick Graham, Hydrologic Research Center (Hydrology, modeling)
Juan Carlos Herguera, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE) (Paleoceanography)
Steve Jackson, USGS, Southwest Climate Science Center (Paleoecology)
Darrell Kaufman, Northern Arizona University (Paleolimnology, glacial geomorphology)
Brian Menounos, University of Northern British Columbia (Glaciers and glacial geomorphology)
Gifford Miller, University of Colorado (Lake sediments and glacial geology)
Connor Nolan, University of Arizona (Paleolimnology)
Greg Pederson, US Geological Survey, Bozeman, MT (Tree rings)
Casey Saenger, University of Alaska Anchorage (Corals)
Scott St. George, University of Minnesota (Tree rings)
Jeannine St. Jacques, Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (Tree rings, palynology)
Valerie Trouet, University of Arizona (Tree rings)
Andre Viau, University of Ottawa (Palynology, paleoclimate)
Eugene Wahl, NOAA, National Climatic Data Center (Palynology, tree rings, paleoclimate, statistics)
Deb Willard, US Geological Survey, Reston, VA (Palynology)

Phase 1 - Group Members

Henry F. Diaz, University of Hawaii-Manoa (Leader; Climatology, meteorology);
Scott Anderson, Northern Arizona University (Lake sediments, charcoal);
Ed Cook, Lamont-Doherty Geol. Obs., Columbia University (Tree rings, statistics);
Nick Graham, HRC & SIO (Climate change, modeling);
Malcolm Hughes, University of Arizona (Tree rings);
Brian Luckman, Western Ontario University, Canada (Tree rings, glacial geomorphology);
Dave Meko, University of Arizona (Tree rings, statistics);
Greg Pederson, US Geological Survey (Tree rings);
Dave Stahle, University of Arkansas (Tree rings);
Scott St. George, University of Minnesota (Tree rings);
Valerie Trouet, University of Arizona (Tree rings);
Eugene Wahl, NOAA, National Climatic Data Center (Palynology, tree rings, paleoclimate, statistics);
Andre Viau, University of Ottawa (Palynology, paleoclimate)

Phase 1 - Corresponding Members

Yemane Asmeron, University of New Mexico (Speleothems);
Ray Bradley, University of Massachusetts (Modern and paleoclimatology);
José Carriquiry, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico (corals, sediments);
Mike Evans, University of Maryland (Climate change, statistics, modeling);
David Fischer, Geological Survey of Canada (Glaciology);
Steve Lund, University of Southern California (Geoscientist);
Sarah Metcalfe, Nottingham University, UK (Lake sediments, diatoms);
Gifford Miller, University of Colorado (Lake sediments & glacial geology);
Tom Swetnam, University of Arizona (Tree rings)