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Journal articles

Bjune AE, Seppä H, Birks HJB (2009) Quantitative summer-temperature reconstructions for the last 2000 years based on pollen-stratigraphical data from northern Fennoscandia, Journal of Paleolimnology, 41(1), 43-56 (link)
Porinchu DF, MacDonald GM & Rolland N, Eds: Kaufman DS (2009) A 2000 year midge-based paleotemperature reconstruction from the Canadian Arctic archipelago, Journal of Paleolimnology, 41(1), 177-188 (link)
Cook TL, Bradley RS, Stoner JS & Francus P, Eds: Kaufman DS (2009) Five thousand years of sediment transfer in a high arctic watershed recorded in annually laminated sediments from Lower Murray Lake, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada, Journal of Paleolimnology, 41(1), 77-94 (link)
Tomkins JD, Lamoureux SF, Antoniades D & Vincent WF, Eds: Kaufman DS (2009) Sedimentary pellets as an ice-cover proxy in a High Arctic ice-covered lake, Journal of Paleolimnology, 41(1), 225-242 (link)
Hanhijärvi S, Tingley MP & Korhola A (2013) Pairwise comparisons to reconstruct mean temperature in the Arctic Atlantic Region over the last 2,000 years, Climate Dynamics, 41, 2039-2060 (link)
Nicholson S, Nash D, Chase B, Grab S, Shanahan T, Verschuren D, Asrat A, Lézine A & Umer M (2013) Temperature variability over Africa during the last 2000 years, The Holocene, vol 23(8), 1085-1094 (link)
Cook ER, Krusic PJ, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, Nakatsuka T, Sano M & PAGES Asia2k Members (2013) Tree-Ring Reconstructed Summer Temperature Anomalies for Temperate East Asia Since 800 C.E., Climate Dynamics, vol. 41(11-12), 2957-2972 (link)
PAGES 2k consortium (2013) Continental-scale Temperature Variability During the Past Two Millennia, Nature Geoscience, vol. 6, 339-346 (link)

PAGES Magazine articles

von Gunten L, Anderson DM, Chase B, Curran M, Gergis J, Gille EP, Gross W, Hanhijärvi S, Kaufman DS, Kiefer T, McKay NP, Mundo I, Neukom R, Sano M, Shah A, Tyler J, Viau A, Wagner S, Wahl ER & Willard D (2013) The backbone of PAGES 2k: data management and archiving, PAGES news, 21(2), 87 (link)
Eugene R. Wahl, H.F. Diaz, V. Trouet and E.R. Cook (2012) An 800-year decadal-scale reconstruction of annual mean temperature for temperate North America, PAGES news, 20(2), 86-87 (link)
Valerie Trouet, H.F. Diaz, A.E. Viau, E.R. Wahl (2012) A pollen-based extension of the 800-year decadal-scale reconstruction of annual mean temperature for temperate North America dating back to 480 AD, PAGES news, 20(2), 87-88 (link)
Sami Hanhijärvi (2012) Arctic2k: Spatiotemporal Temperature Reconstruction, PAGES news, 20(2), 92 (link)
Umer M & Verschuren D (2010) The first Africa 2k regional workshop, PAGES news, 18(2), 93-94 (link)
Turney C, Gergis J, Lorrey A, Palmer J, Phipps SJ & van Ommen T (2010) The 1st Australasia 2k regional workshop: Towards data synthesis, PAGES news, 18(2), 91-92 (link)
Lucien von Gunten, H. Wanner and T. Kiefer (2012) 2nd PAGES 2k Network Meeting: Review of status and plans for synthesis, PAGES news, 20(1), 46 (link)
Tas van Ommen and the Antarctica2k Steering Committee (2012) 1st Workshop of the PAGES Antarctica2k Working Group, PAGES news, 20(1), 47 (link)
Sami Hanhijärvi (2011) Arctic2k: Synthesizing paleoclimate data to assess Arctic climate change, PAGES news, 19(2), 73 (link)
Joëlle Gergis, P. Grierson, A. Lorrey, J. Palmer and S.J. Phipps (2011) The 2nd Australasia2k Network workshop: Data synthesis and research planning, PAGES news, 19(2), 74-75 (link)
Fidel J. González-Rouco, L. Fernández-Donado, C.C. Raible, D. Barriopedro , J. Luterbacher, J.H. Jungclaus, D. Swingedouw, J. Servonnat, E. Zorita, S. Wagner and C.M. Ammann (2011) Medieval Climate Anomaly to Little Ice Age transition as simulated by current climate models, Past Global Changes Magazine, 19(1), 7-8 (link)
Steffen Vogt, R. Glaser, J. Luterbacher, D. Riemann, Gh. Al Dyab, J. Schoenbein and E. Garcia-Bustamante (2011) Assessing the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Middle East: The potential of Arabic documentary sources, Past Global Changes Magazine, 19(1), 28-29 (link)
Newman L, Wanner H & Kiefer T (2009) Towards a global synthesis of the climate of the last two millennia, PAGES news, 17(3), 130-131 (link)
Kaufman DS (2009) 2000 years of climate variability inferred from Arctic lake sediments, PAGES news, 17(1), 10-11 (link)
Roberts N, Zanchetta G & Jones M (2009) Oxygen isotopes as tracers of Mediterranean climate variability: Linking past, present and future, PAGES news, 17(1), 43-44 (link)
Koç N (2008) A new PAGES Working Group: Arctic2k - Arctic climate during the last 2 millennia, PAGES news, 16(3), 37-38 (link)
Koc N (2007) Working Group on Arctic climate during the last two millennia, PAGES news, 15(2), 5 (link)
Garcia-Herrera R, Luterbacher J, Lionello P, Gonzalez-Rouco F, Ribera P, Rodo X, Kull C & Zerefos C (2006) Reconstruction of past Mediterranean climate: Unexplored sources of high resolution data in historic time, PAGES news, 14(3), 31 (link)
Grosjean M & Villalba R (2006) Regional climate variations in south America over the late Holocene, PAGES news, 14(3), 26 (link)
Villalba R & Grosjean M (2005) LOTRED-SA Long-Term climate REconstruction and Dynamics of (southern) South America: A collaborative, high-resolution multi-proxy approach, PAGES news, 13(3), 24 (link)
Lionello P & Malanotte-Rizzoli P, Alpert P, Artale V, Boscolo R, Garcia-Herrera R, Kull C, Li L, Luterbacher J, Oguz T & May W (2005) MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean CLImate VARiability and predictability project, PAGES news, 13(3), 23 (link)
Grosjean M & Villalba R (2005) Regional Multiproxy Climate Reconstruction for Southern South America: A new Research Initiative, PAGES news, 13(2), 5 (link)
Wanner H (2005) Call for a PAGES Initiative on “Past Regional Climate Variability”, PAGES news, 13(1), 19-21 (link)

Meeting Products

2k Consortium (2012) Regional climate dynamics during the last 2000 years: the PAGES 2k Network with a paleolimnology focus (link)
Meeting participants (2010) Asia2k 1st Workshop Presentations (link)
Meeting participants (2010) 1st Aus2k Regional Workshop: Towards Data Synthesis - Presentations (link)


Asia2k Working Group (2010) PAGES 1st Asia 2k Workshop (link)
(2010) 2nd International LOTRED-South America Symposium: Reconstructing Climate Variations in South America and the Antarctic Peninsula over the last 2000 years (link)