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Human Traces people

Steering Committee Phase II

Europe: Nathalie Dubois – ETHZ & Eawag ( (nathalie[dot]dubois[at]eawag[dot]ch)) and John Boyle, University of Liverpool ( (jfb[at]liverpool[dot]ac[dot]uk)), ECR Madeleine Moyle - University of Liverpool ( (maddy[dot]moyle[at]liverpool[dot]ac[dot]uk))

N. America: Emilie Saulnier-Talbot – Université Laval ( (Emilie[dot]Saulnier-Talbot[at]bio[dot]ulaval[dot]ca))

S. America: Julieta Massaferro - National Scientific and Technical Research Council | conicet ( (jmassaferro[at]comahue-conicet[dot]gob[dot]ar))

China: Guangjie Chen – Yunnan Normal University ( (guangjiechen[at]gmail[dot]com))

Thailand: Sakonvan Chawchai  - Chulalongkorn University ( (Sakonvan[dot]C[at]chula[dot]ac[dot]th))

Africa: ECR Christine Omuombo  – University of Nairobi ( (omuomboatieno[at]gmail[dot]com))

Australia: Dan Penny - University of Sydney ( (dan[dot]penny[at]sydney[dot]edu[dot]au))

PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) representative

Madeleine Moyle - University of Liverpool ( (maddy[dot]moyle[at]liverpool[dot]ac[dot]uk))

Data liaison officer

John Boyle (University of Liverpool, UK)

PAGES SSC liaison

Keely Mills (British Geological Survey)

Learn more and participate

Subscribe to the Human Traces mailing list here.

This group is open to anyone who is interested. To participate, please contact a member of the Steering Committee.

Steering Committee Phase I

Nathalie Dubois (group lead and mailing list administrator, ETH Zürich & Eawag, Switzerland)
John Boyle (University of Liverpool, UK)
Emilie Saulnier-Talbot (Laval University, Canada)
Julieta Massaferro (CONICET, Argentina)
Guangjie Chen (Yunnan Normal University, China)
Sakonvan 'Moo' Chawchai (ECR; Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Christine Omuombo (ECR; University of Nairobi, Kenya)
Madeleine Moyle (ECR; University of Liverpool, UK)
Dan Penny (University of Sydney, Australia)

Mailing list administrator

Madeleine Moyle (ECR; University of Liverpool, UK)

Data liaison officer

John Boyle (University of Liverpool, UK)

PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) representative

Madeleine Moyle (ECR; University of Liverpool, UK)

PAGES SSC liaison

Keely Mills (British Geological Survey)

Learn more and participate

Subscribe to the Human Traces mailing list here.

This group is open to anyone who is interested. To participate, please contact a member of the Steering Committee.