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PaleoEcoGen people

PaleoEcoGen people lake image
Fig 4: Kerguelen Island coring campaign, 2019. Image: Charline Giguet-Covex.

Steering Committee

Zofia Taranu (Group lead, Canada, email: (zofia[dot]taranu[at]ec[dot]gc[dot]ca))
Linda Armbrecht (Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Australia)
Eric Capo (ECR; SLU, Uppsala, Sweden, coordinator of the sedaDNA scientific society)
Laura Epp (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Charline Giguet-Covex (EDYTEM, France)
Kathleen Stood-Leichsenring (AWI, Germany)

Support Group

Jack Williams (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Irene Gregory-Eaves (McGill University, Canada)
Marco Coolen (Curtin University, Australia)
Laura Parducci (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Isabelle Domaizon (INRAE CARRTEL, France)
Tristan Cordier (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Norway)

Other key participants

Keely Mills (British Geological Survey, UK)
Zofia Taranu (Environment and Climate Change Canada (government), Canada)
Nathalie Dubois (EAWAG, Switzerland)
Matthew Jones (University of Nottingham, UK)
Trisha Spanbauer (University of Toledo, USA)

Data liaison officer

Jack Williams (University of Wisconsin, USA)

PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) representative

Yuanyu (Michelle) Cheng (McGill University, Canada)

PAGES SSC liaison

Lukas Jonkers (Bremen University, Germany)

Learn more and participate

This group is open to anyone who is interested, and early-career researchers are encouraged to be involved.

> Sign up to the PaleoEcoGen mailing list

> Follow the group on Twitter