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PALSEA people

PALSEA has over 200 members from 20 countries on the North American, European, and Asian continents, including Australia and New Zealand.

Phase IV, PALSEA-next


Lauren Gregoire (University of Leeds)
Tamara Pico (UC Santa Cruz)
Juliet Sefton (University of Melbourne) – ECN representative and mailing list coordinator
Matteo Vacchi (Universita di Pisa) - Data liaison

Steering Committee

Natasha Barlow (University of Leeds)
Alessio Rovere (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
Jeremy Shakun (Boston College)
Jody Webster (University of Sydney)
Jonathan Benjamin (Flinders University)
Ayako Abe-Ouchi (University of Tokyo)
Andrea Dutton (University of Wisconsin)
Nicole Khan (University of Hong Kong)
Bette Otto-Bliesner (NCAR, Colorado)
Ben Horton (Nanyang Technological University)
Holly Kyeore Han (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Natalya Gomez (McGill University)
Benjamin Keisling (University of Texas Austin)
Yusuke Yokoyama (University of Tokyo)
Jacky Austermann (Colombia University)
Peter Clark (Oregon University)
Glenn Milne (University of Ottawa)
Pierre Deschamps (CEREGE, France)
Maureen Raymo  (Lamon-Doherty Earth Observatory)

PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) representative 

Juliet Sefton (Monash University) 

Data liaison officer

Matteo Vacchi (Universita di Pisa)

PAGES SSC liaison

Natasha Barlow (University of Leeds, UK)

Former leaders

Jacky Austermann (Columbia University, USA)
Natasha Barlow (University of Leeds, UK)
Alessio Rovere (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy; data liaison officer)
Jeremy Shakun (Boston College, USA; mailing list administrator)

Anders Carlson (Oregon State University, USA)
Andrea Dutton (University of Florida, USA)
Antony Long (Durham University, UK)
Glenn Milne (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Mark Siddall (University of Bristol, UK)
Bill Thompson (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)
Claire Waelbroeck (CNRS, France)

Find out more about the leaders here.

Steering Committee

Edouard Bard (Collège de France)
Peter Clark (Oregon State University, USA)
Roland Gehrels (U. York, UK)
Ben Horton (Rutgers U., USA)
Kurt Lambeck (ANU, Australia)
Dan Lunt (U. Bristol, UK)
Bette Otto-Bliesner (NCAR, USA)
Tony Payne (U. Bristol, UK)
Maureen Raymo (LDEO, USA)
Mark Siddall (U. Bristol, UK)
Bill Thompson (WHOI, USA)
Claire Waelbroeck (LSCE/IPSL, France)