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Gasse and van Campo
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Modified from Gasse and van Campo (1994) EPSL 126, 435-456.

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Caption: Century scale variations in hydrologic balance reconstructed for two widely separated lakes in tropical Africa from sediment records and dated shorelines. The observed palaeohydro-logical changes imply shifts in the precipitation/evaporation balance much greater any to be found in the modern instrumental record. They show that dramatic, abrupt shifts in hydrologic balance have occurred on societally relevant timescales. Abrupt changes in the North African monsoon may have taken place in response to changes in the North Atlantic, represented here by sea surface density reconstructed from marine faunal and isotopic records in sediment cores.

Gasse and van Campo (1994) "Abrupt post-glacial climate events in West Asia and North Africa monsoon domains" Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 126, 435-456

Johnson TC
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This is the Science and Implementation Plan of the IDEAL (An International Decade for the East African Lakes) Project. It was formulated at the "IDEAL Symposium on the Limnology, Climatology and Paleoclimatology of the East African Lakes" held from 18-23 February 1993 in Jinja, Uganda.

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Alley R et al.
Meeting Products

Modified from Alley R et al. (1993) Nature 362: 527-529.

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Caption: The termination of the Younger Dryas cold event some 11.6k years ago was an abrupt climatic shift. In this record, from Central Greenland, it is manifested as a warming of around 15 °C, accompanied by a doubling in annual precipitation volume, occurring in less than a decade. Shown here are accumulation and oxygen isotope (shown as temperature) records from the GISP2 ice core for the period between 18 and 10 kyr B.P.

Alley, R. et al (1993) "Abrupt increase in Greenland snow accumulation at the end of the Younger Dryas event" Nature, 362, 527-229.

Eddy JA
Meeting Products

Proposed Implementation Plans for Research Activities