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Journal articles

Brown AG, Carey C, Erkens G, Fuchs M, Hoffmann T, Macaire JJ, Moldenhauer KM, Walling DE, Eds: Houben P, Wunderlich J & Schrott L (2009) From sedimentary records to sediment budgets: Multiple approaches to catchment sediment flux, Geomorphology, 108(1-2), 35-47 (link)
Schulte L, Veit H, Burjachs F & Julià R, Eds: Houben P, Wunderlich J & Schrott L (2009) Lütschine fan delta response to climate variability and land use in the Bernese Alps during the last 2400 years, Geomorphology, 108(1-2), 107-121 (link)
Houben P, Wunderlich J & Schrott L, Eds: Houben P, Wunderlich J & Schrott L (2009) Preface: Climate and long-term human impact on sediment fluxes in watershed systems, Geomorphology, 108(1-2), 1-7 (link)
Zygmunt E, Eds: Houben P, Wunderlich J & Schrott L (2009) Alluvial fans as an effect of long-term man–landscape interactions and moist climatic conditions: A case study from the Glubczyce Plateau, SW Poland, Geomorphology, 108(1-2), 58-70 (link)
Hoffmann T, Glatzel S & Dikau R, Eds: Houben P, Wunderlich J & Schrott L (2009) A carbon storage perspective on alluvial sediment storage in the Rhine catchment, Geomorphology, 108(1-2), 127-137 (link)
Verstraeten G, Rommens T, Peeters I, Poesen J, Govers G & Lang A, Eds: Houben P, Wunderlich J & Schrott L (2009) A temporarily changing Holocene sediment budget for a loess-covered catchment (central Belgium), Geomorphology, 108(1-2), 24-34 (link)
Zhang S & Lu XX, Eds: Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P (2009) Hydrological Responses to Precipitation Variation and Diverse Human Activities in a Mountainous Tributary of the Lower Xijiang, China, CATENA, 77(2), 130-142 (link)
Hoffmann T, Erkens G, Gerlach R, Klostermann J & Lang A, Eds: Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P (2009) Trends and Controls of Holocene Floodplain Sedimentation in the Rhine Catchment, CATENA, 77(2), 96-106 (link)
Notebaert B, Verstraeten G, Rommens T, Vanmontfort B, Govers G & Poesen J, Eds: Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P (2009) Establishing a Holocene Sediment Budget for the River Dijle, CATENA, 77(2), 150-163 (link)
Hesse R & Baade J, Eds: Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P (2009) Irrigation Agriculture and the Sedimentary Record in the Palpa Valley, Southern Peru, CATENA, 77(2), 119-129 (link)
Foster GC, Chiverrell RC, Thomas GSP, Marshall P & Hamilton D, Eds: Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P (2009) Fluvial Development and the Sediment Regime of the Lower Calder, Ribble Catchment, Northwest England, CATENA, 77(2), 81-95 (link)
Förster H & Wunderlich J, Eds: Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P (2009) Holocene Sediment Budgets for Upland Catchments: The Problem of Soilscape Model and Data Availability, CATENA, 77(2), 143-149 (link)
Reiß S, Dreibrodt S, Lubos CCM & Bork H-R, Eds: Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P (2009) Land Use History and Historical Soil Erosion at Albersdorf (Northern Germany) — Ceased Agricultural Land Use After the Pre-Historical Period, CATENA, 77(2), 107-118 (link)
Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P, Eds: Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P (2009) Human Impact on Sediment Dynamics — Quantification and Timing, CATENA, 77(2), 77-80 (link)
Herget J, Bremer E, Coch T, Dix A, Eggenstein G & Ewald K, Eds: Dikau R & Herget J (2005) Engineering Impacts on River Channels in the River Rhine Catchment, ERDKUNDE – Archive for Scientific Geography, 59(3), 294- 319 (link)
Houben P (2008) Scale Linkage and Contingency Effects of Field-Scale and Hillslope-Scale Controls of Long-Term Soil Erosion: Anthropogeomorphic Sediment Flux in Agricultural Loess Watersheds of Southern Germany, Geomorphology, 101, 172–191 (link)
Lechterbeck J, Kalis AJ & Meurers-Balke J (2009) Evaluation of Prehistoric Land Use Intensity in the Rhenish Loessboerde by Canonical Correspondence Analysis—A Contribution to LUCIFS, Geomorphology, 108(1-2), 138–144 (link)
Hoffmann T, Lang A & Dikau R (2008) Holocene River Activity: Analysing 14C-Dated Fluvial and Colluvial Sediments From Germany, Quaternary Science Reviews, 27, 2031–2040 (link)
Hoffmann T, Thorndycraft VR, Brown AG, Coulthard TJ, Damnati B, Kale VS, Middelkoop H, Notebaert B & Walling DE (2010) Human Impact on Fluvial Regimes and Sediment Flux During the Holocene: Review and Future Research Agenda, Global and Planetary Change, 72, 87-98 (link)

Special issues

Eds: Dikau R & Herget J (2005) Natural and Human Inpacts in the River Rhine Catchment, ERDKUNDE – Archive for Scientific Geography, 59(3), 177-319 (link)
Eds: Walling D (2003) Land Use and Climate Impacts on Fluvial Systems, Hydrological Processes, 17(16), 3179–3385 (link)
Eds: Verstraeten G, Lang A & Houben P (2009) Sediment Dynamics, CATENA, 77(2), 77-164 (link)
Eds: Gregory KJ, Macklin MG & Walling DE (2006) Past Hydrological Events Related to Understanding Global Change, CATENA, 66(1-2), 1-188 (link)
Eds: Herget J, Dikau R, Gregory KJ & Vandenberghe J (2007) The Fluvial System - Past and Present Dynamics and Controls, Geomorphology, 92(3-4), A1-A2, 101-220 (link)
Eds: Houben P, Wunderlich J & Schrott L (2009) Climate and Long-Term Human Impact on Sediment Fluxes in Watershed Systems, Geomorphology, 108(1-2), 1-144 (link)

PAGES Magazine articles

Thomas Hoffmann, G. Erkens, G. Verstraeten, H. Middelkoop and A. Lang (2012) Open PHAROS workshop on “Sediment and carbon fluxes under human impact and climate change”, PAGES news, 20(1), 49 (link)
Dearing J & Battarbee R (2009) PAGES Focus 4: Past Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions (PHAROS) Workshop, PAGES news, 17(1), 41 (link)
Dearing J & Battarbee R (2007) Past Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions (PHAROS), PAGES news, 15(1), 8-10 (link)
Houben P (2006) New trends in Geomorphology – systems-based understanding of long term man-landscape interactions, PAGES news, 14(2), 41-42 (link)
Dearing J (2005) Past ecosystem processes and human-environment interactions, PAGES news, 13(1), 23 (link)
Wasson B & Sidorchuk A (2000) Land Use and Climate Impacts on Fluvial Systems During the Period of Agriculture (LUCIFS), PAGES news, 8(3), 10 (link)
Dearing J (1999) Environmental Change and Nonlinearity – A Summary of a new Cross-cutting and Integrative Initiative within Focus 3, PAGES news, 7(2), 4-5 (link)
Wasson B (1998) Land Use and Climate Impacts on Fluvial Systems during the Period of Agriculture (LUCIFS), PAGES news, 6(1), 14 (link)

Books and book chapters

Eds: Lang A, Dikau R & Hennrich K (2003) Long Term Hillslope and Fluvial System Modelling (link)

PAGES Magazine

Eds: Oldfield F & Alverson K (2000) 8 (3): Ecosystem Processes and Past Human Impacts, Past Global Changes Magazine, 8(3), 1-36 (link)