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Meeting Products

Global Palaeofire Working Group Steering Committee (2007) Report on Palaeofires Workshop (link)
Brown KJ, Power MJ, Sowinski M, Van Aardt AC, Blarquez O & Grondin P (2018) Applying paleofire records in ecological management, Wildfire Magazine, 27 (link)
Hantson S, Kloster S, Coughlan M, Daniau A-L, Vanniere B, Bruecher T, Kehrwald N & Magi BI (2016) Fire in the Earth System bridging data and modelling research, BAMS, 97, 1069-1072 (link)
Robertson A, Githumbi E & Colombaroli D (2016) Paleofires and models illuminate future fire scenarios, Eos, 97 (link)

PAGES Magazine articles

Blarquez O, Grondin P & GPWG2 (2018) Paleofire knowledge for current and future ecosystem management, Past Global Changes Magazine, 26(1), 40 (link)
Vannière B, Blarquez O, Marlon J, Daniau A-L & Power M (2014) Multi-Scale Analyses of Fire-Climate-Vegetation Interactions on Millennial Scales, Past Global Changes Magazine, 22(1), 40 (link)
Kehrwald N, Barbante C, Whitlock C & Brovkin V (2013) Paleofire workshop, PAGES news, 21(1), 38 (link)

Journal articles

Blarquez O & Aleman JC (2016) Tree biomass reconstruction shows no lag in post-glacial afforestation of eastern Canada, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46, 485–498 (link)
Feurdean A, Florescu G, Vannière B, Tanţău I, O‘Hara RB, Pfeiffer M, Hutchinson SM, Gałka M, Moskal-del Hoyog M & Hickler T (2017) Fire has been an important driver of forest dynamics in the Carpathian Mountains during the Holocene, Forest Ecology and Management, 389, 15–26 (link)
Marlon JR, Kelly R, Daniau A-L, Vannière B, Power MJ, Bartlein P, Higuera P, Blarquez O, Brewer S, Brücher T, Feurdean A, Gil Romera G, Iglesias V, Maezumi SY, Magi B, Courtney Mustaphi CJ & Zhihai T (2016) Reconstructions of biomass burning from sediment-charcoal records to improve data–model comparisons, Biogeosciences, 13, 3225-3244 (link)
Vannière B, Blarquez O, Rius D, Doyen E, Brücher T, Colombaroli D, Connor S, Feurdean A, Hickler T, Kaltenrieder P, Lemmen C, Leys B, Massa C & Olofsson J, Eds: Murray-Wallace CV (2016) 7000-year human legacy of elevation-dependent European fire regimes, Quaternary Science Reviews, 132, 206–212 (link)
Blarquez O, Vannière B, Marlon JR, Daniau A-L, Power MJ, Brewer S & Bartlein PJ (2014) paleofire: An R package to analyse sedimentary charcoal records from the Global Charcoal Database to reconstruct past biomass burning, Computer & Geosciences, 72, 255-261 (link)
Dearing JA, Wang R, Zhang K, Dyke JG, Haberl H, Hossain S, Langdon PG, Lenton TM, Raworth K, Brown S, Carstensen J, Cole MJ, Cornell SE, Dawson TP, Doncaster CP, Eigenbrod F, Flörke M, Jeffers E, Mackay AW, Nykvist B, Poppy GM (2014) Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems, vol. 28, 227-238 (link)
Brücher T, Brovkin V, Kloster S, Marlon JR & Power MJ (2014) Comparing modelled fire dynamics with charcoal records for the Holocene, Climate of the Past, 10, 811-824 (link)
Power MJ, Marlon JR, Bartlein PJ & Harrison SP (2010) Fire history and the Global Charcoal Database: A new tool for hypothesis testing and data exploration, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 291, 52-59 (link)
Marlon JR, Bartlein PJ, Daniau A-L, Harrison SP, Power MJ, Tinner W, Maezumie S & Vannière B, Eds: Murray-Wallace CV (2013) Global biomass burning: A synthesis and review of Holocene paleofire records and their controls, Quaternary Science Reviews, 65, 5-25 (link)
Power M, Mayle F, Bartlein P, Marlon J, Anderson R, Behling H, Brown K, Carcaillet C, Colombaroli D, Gavin D, Hallett D, Horn S, Kennedy L, Lane C, Long C, Moreno P, Paitre C, Robinson G, Taylor Z & Walsh M (2013) Climatic control of the biomass-burning decline in the Americas after AD 1500, The Holocene, 23, 3-13 (link)
Power MJ, Whitlock C & Bartlein PJ (2011) Postglacial Fire, Vegetation, and Climate History Across an Elevational Gradient in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA and Canada, Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 2520-2533 (link)
Daniau AL, Harrison SP & Bartlein PJ (2010) Fire Regimes During the Last Glacial, Quaternary Science Reviews, 29, 2918-2930 (link)
Mooney SD, Harrison SP, Bartlein PJ, Daniau AL, Stevenson J, Brownlie KC, Buckman S, Cupper M, Luly J, Black M, Colhoun E, D'Costa D, Dodson J, Haberle S, Hope GS, Kershaw P, Kenyon C, McKenzie M & Williams N (2011) Late Quaternary Fire Regimes of Australasia, Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 28-46 (link)
Vannière B, Power MJ, Roberts N, Tinner W, Carrión J, Magny M, Bartlein P, Colombaroli D, Daniau AL, Finsinger W, Gil-Romera G, Kaltenrieder P, Pini R, Sadori L, Turner R, Valsecchi V & Vescovi E (2011) Circum-Mediterranean Fire Activity and Climate Changes During the Mid-Holocene Environmental Transition (8500-2500 cal. BP), The Holocene, 21, 53-73 (link)
Daniau AL, Bartlein PJ, Harrison SP, Prentice IC, Brewer S, Friedlingstein P, Harrison-Prentice TI, Inoue J, Izumi K, Marlon JR, Mooney S, Power MJ, Stevenson J, Tinner W, Andri M, Atanassova J, Behling H, Black M, Blarquez O, Brown KJ, Carcaillet C, Colhoun EA, Colombaroli D, Davis BAS, D'Costa D, Dodson J, Dupont L, Eshetu Z, Gavin DG, Genries A, Haberle S, Hallett DJ, Hope G, Horn SP, Kassa TG, Katamura F, Kennedy LM, Kershaw P, Krivonogov S, Long C, Magri D, Marinova E, McKenzie GM, Moreno PI, Moss P, Neumann FH, Norström E, Paitre C, Rius D, Roberts N, Robinson GS, Sasaki N, Scott L, Takahara H, Terwilliger V, Thevenon F, Turner R, Valsecchi VG, Vannière B, Walsh M, Williams N & Zhang Y (2012) Predictability of Biomass Burning in Response to Climate Changes, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol 26(4) (link)
Power MJ, Marlon J, Ortiz N, Bartlein PJ, Harrison SP, Mayle FE, Ballouche A, Bradshaw RHW, Carcaillet C, Cordova C, Mooney S, Moreno PI, Prentice IC, Thonicke K, Tinner W, Whitlock C, Zhang Y, Zhao Y, Ali AA, Anderson RS, Beer R, Behling H, Briles C, Brown KJ, Brunelle A, Bush M, Camill P, Chu GQ, Clark J, Colombaroli D, Connor S, Daniau A-L, Daniels M, Dodson J, Doughty E, Edwards ME, Finsinger W, Foster D, Frechette J, Gaillard M-J, Gavin DG, Gobet E, Haberle S, Hallett DJ, Higuera P, Hope G, Horn S, Inoue J, Kaltenrieder P, Kennedy L, Kong ZC, Larsen C, Long CJ, Lynch J, Lynch EA, McGlone M, Meeks S, Mensing S, Meyer G, Minckley T, Mohr J, Nelson DM, New J, Newnham R, Noti R, Oswald W, Pierce J, Richard PJH, Rowe C, Goñi MFS, Shuman BN, Takahara H, Toney J, Turney C, Urrego-Sanchez DH, Umbanhowar C, Vandergoes M, Vanniere B, Vescovi E, Walsh M, Wang X, Williams N, Wilmshurst J & Zhang JH (2008) Changes in Fire Regimes Since the Last Glacial Maximum: An Assessment Based on a Global Synthesis and Analysis of Charcoal Data, Climate Dynamics, vol 30(7-8), 887-907 (link)
Marlon JR, Bartlein PJ, Walsh MK, Harrison SP, Brown KJ, Edwards ME, Higuera PE, Power MJ, Anderson RS, Briles C, Brunelle A, Carcaillet C, Daniels M, Hu FS, Lavoie M, Long C, Minckley T, Richard PJH, Scott AC, Shafer DS, Tinner W, Umbanhowar CE & Whitlock C (2009) Wildfire Responses to Abrupt Climate Change in North America, PNAS, vol. 106(8), 2519-2524 (link)
Marlon JR, Bartlein PJ, Carcaillet C, Gavin DG, Harrison SP, Higuera PE, Joos F, Power MJ & Prentice IC (2008) Climate and Human Influences on Global Biomass Burning over the Past Two Millennia, Nature Geoscience, 1(10), 697-702 (link)


Marlon, J. R. (2016) Biomass Burning on the Rise Again, Global Paleofire website (link)

Books and book chapters

Mooney SD, Harrison SP, Bartlein PJ & Stevenson J (2012) The prehistory of fire in Australia, 3-26 (link)