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Journal articles

Engelhart SE & Horton BP (2012) Holocene Sea Level Database for the Atlantic Coast of the United States, Quaternary Science Reviews, 54, 12-25 (link)
Long AJ, Woodroff SA, Roberts DH & Dawson S (2011) Isolation basins, sea-level changes and the Holocene history of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 3748-3768 (link)
Thompson WG, Curran HA, Wilson MA & White B (2011) Sea-level Oscillations During the Last Interglacial Highstand Recorded by Bahamas Corals, Nature Geoscience, vol 4(10), 685-687 (link)
PALSEA, Abe-Ouchi A, Andersen M, Antonioli F, Bamber J, Bard E, Clark J, Clark P, Deschamps P, Dutton A, Elliot M, Gallup C, Gomez N, Gregory J, Huybers P, Kawamura K, Kelly M, Lambeck K, Lowell T, Mitrovica J, Otto-Bliesner B, Richards D, Siddall M, Stanford J, Stirling C, Stocker T, Thomas A, Thompson B, Törnqvist T, Riveiros NV, Waelbroeck C, Yokoyama Y & Yu S (2009) The Sea-Level Conundrum: Case Studies From Palaeo-Archives, Journal of Quaternary Science, 25(1), 19-25 (link)

Special issues

Eds: Siddall M & Milne G (2012) Sea Level and Ice Sheet Evolution: A PALSEA Special Edition, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 315-316, 1-102 (link)

Meeting Products

Carlson AE & Stoner JS (2012) Assessing the History of the Greenland Ice Sheet through Ocean Drilling (link)
Richards D, Thomas A, Engelhart S, Toernqvist T, Dix J, Andersen CLM & Siddall M (2010) Relative sea level, ice sheets and isostasy: past, present and future (link)
Siddall M, Clark P, Thompson B, Waelbroeck C, Gregory J & Stocker T (2009) The Sea Level Conundrum: Insights From Paleo Studies, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 90, 72-73 (link)

PAGES Magazine articles

Siddall M, Huybers P & Mitrovica JX (2012) Ice sheet modeling, sea level and isostasy, PAGES news, 20(1), 50 (link)
Andersen MB & Siddall M (2011) Relative sea level, ice sheets and isostasy past, present and future: Understanding the implications for human populations, PAGES news, 19(2), 87-88 (link)
Thompson WG, Andersen MB, Dutton A & Siddall M (2010) Understanding future sea level rise: The challenges of dating past interglacials, PAGES news, 18(1), 39-40 (link)
Xoplaki E & Hassan F (2009) Sustainable water and land management in semi-arid regions: Middle East and North Africa (MENA), PAGES news, 17(2), 86-87 (link)
Schulz M & Paul A (2009) Integrated analysis of interglacial climate dynamics - INTERDYNAMIC Status Seminar, PAGES news, 17(2), 84-85 (link)
Mattey D & Spötl C (2009) First international cave monitoring field workshop, PAGES news, 17(2), 83-84 (link)
Wang P, Wang B & Kiefer T (2009) Global monsoon in observations, simulations and geological records, PAGES news, 17(2), 82-83 (link)
Schulz M & Prange M (2009) Potential imprint of changes in multidecadal climate variability on temperature reconstructions of the past millennium, PAGES news, 17(2), 80-81 (link)
Sangiorgi F, Sluijs A, Barke J & Brinkhuis H (2009) Reading the first early Cenozoic central Arctic sediment record: A palynological view, PAGES news, 17(2), 78-80 (link)
Kuijpers A, Malmgren BA & Seidenkrantz M-S (2009) Termination of the Medieval Warm Period: Linking sub-polar and tropical N Atlantic circulation changes to ENSO, PAGES news, 17(2), 76-77 (link)
Abe-Ouchi A & Otto-Bliesner B (2009) Ice sheet-climate interactions during the ice age cycle, PAGES news, 17(2), 73-74 (link)
González C & Dupont LM (2009) Coastal vegetation evidence for sea level changes associated with Heinrich Events, PAGES news, 17(2), 70-72 (link)
Yu S-Y, Li Y-X & Törnqvistst TE (2009) Tempo of global deglaciation during the early Holocene: A sea level perspective, PAGES news, 17(2), 68-70 (link)
Dutton A, Antonioli F & Bard E (2009) A new chronology of sea level highstands for the penultimate interglacial, PAGES news, 17(2), 66-68 (link)
Clark PU (2009) Ice sheet retreat and sea level rise during the last deglaciation, PAGES news, 17(2), 64-66 (link)
Stirling CH & Andersen MB (2009) Extending the uranium-series dating of fossil coral reefs back to marine isotope stage 15, PAGES news, 17(2), 62-64 (link)
Kelly MA & Long AJ (2009) The dimensions of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the Last Glacial Maximum, PAGES news, 17(2), 60-61 (link)
Raymo ME, Hearty P, De Conto R, O’Leary M, Dowswset HJ, Robinson MM & Mitrovica JX (2009) PLIOMAX: Pliocene maximum sea level project, PAGES news, 17(2), 58-59 (link)
Milne GA (2009) Using models to inform the field community: Far-field sea level data applications, PAGES news, 17(2), 56-57 (link)
Andersen MB, Gallup CD, Scholz D, Stirling CH & Thompson WG (2009) U-series dating of fossil coral reefs: Consensus and controversy, PAGES news, 17(2), 54-56 (link)
Bamber J (2009) Recent Antarctic and Greenland ice-mass fluxes from satellite observations and their significance, PAGES news, 17(2), 52-54 (link)
Siddall M, Thompson WG & Waelbroeck C (2009) Editorial: Past ice sheet dynamics and sea level—placing the future in context, PAGES news, 17(2), 51-52 (link)

Workshop reports

Thompson WG & Andersen MB (2010) Facilitating Progress on the Quaternary History of Sea Level Change, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 91(17) (link)