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Journal articles

Neukom R & Gergis J (2012) Southern hemisphere high-resolution palaeoclimate records of the last 2000 years, The Holocene(5), 22, 501-524 (link)
Schittek K, Kock ST, Lücke A, Hense J, Ohlendorf C, Kulemeyer JJ, Lupo LC & Schäbitz F (2016) A high-altitude peatland record of environmental changes in the NW Argentine Andes (24 ° S) over the last 2100 years, Climate of the Past, 12(5), 1165-1180 (link)
Briceño-Zuluaga FJ, Sifeddine A, Caquineau S, Cardich S, Salvatteci R, Gutierrez D, Ortlieb L, Velazco F, Boucher H & Machado C (2016) Terrigenous material supply to the Peruvian central continental shelf (Pisco, 14° S) during the last 1000 years: paleoclimatic implications, Climate of the Past, 12(5), 787-798 (link)
Perez L, García-Rodríguez F & Hanebuth TJJ (2016) Variability in terrigenous sediment supply offshore of the Río de la Plata (Uruguay) recording the continental climatic history over the past 1200 years, Climate of the Past, 12(5), 623-634 (link)
Flantua SGA, Hooghiemstra H, Vuille M, Behling H, Carson JF, Gosling WD, Hoyos I, Ledru MP, Montoya E, Mayle F, Maldonado A, Rull V, Tonello MS, Whitney BS & González-Arango C (2016) Climate variability and human impact in South America during the last 2000 years: synthesis and perspectives from pollen records, Climate of the Past, 12(5), 483-523 (link)
Morales MS, Carilla J, Grau HR & Villalba R, Eds: Gonzalez Arango C, Grosjean M, Kiefer T, Martinez J & Villalba R (2015) Multi-century lake area changes in the Southern Altiplano: a tree-ring-based reconstruction, Climate of the Past, 11(9), 1139-1152 (link)
Rodríguez-Ramírez A, Caballero M, Roy P, Ortega B, Vázquez-Castro G & Lozano-García S, Eds: Gonzalez Arango C, Grosjean M, Kiefer T, Martinez J & Villalba R (2015) Climatic variability and human impact during the last 2000 years in western Mesoamerica: evidence of late Classic (AD 600–900) and Little Ice Age drought events, Climate of the Past, 11(9), 1239-1248 (link)
Masiokas MH, Luckman BH, Villalba R, Delgado S, Skvarca P & Ripalta A, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Little Ice Age fluctuations of small glaciers in the Monte Fitz Roy and Lago del Desierto areas, south Patagonian Andes, Argentina, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 351-362 (link)
Masiokas MH, Rivera A, Espizua LE, Villalba R, Delgado S & Aravena JC, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Glacier fluctuations in extratropical South America during the past 1000 years, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 242-268 (link)
Barichivich J, Sauchyn DJ & Lara A, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Climate signals in high elevation tree-rings from the semiarid Andes of north-central Chile: Responses to regional and large-scale variability, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 320-333 (link)
Prieto MdR & Herrera RG, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Documentary sources from South America: Potential for climate reconstruction, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 196-209 (link)
Morales M, Barberena R, Belardi JB, Borrero L, Cortegoso V, Durán V, Guerci A, Goñi R, Gil A, Neme G, Yacobaccio H & Zárate M, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Reviewing human–environment interactions in arid regions of southern South America during the past 3000 years, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 283-295 (link)
Espizua LE & Pitte P, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) The Little Ice Age glacier advance in the Central Andes (35°S), Argentina, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 345-350 (link)
Vimeux F, Ginot P, Schwikowski M, Vuille M, Hoffmann G, Thompson LG & Schotterer U, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Climate variability during the last 1000 years inferred from Andean ice cores: A review of methodology and recent results, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 229-241 (link)
Christie DA, Lara A, Barichivich J, Villalba R, Morales MS & Cuq E, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) El Niño-Southern Oscillation signal in the world's highest-elevation tree-ring chronologies from the Altiplano, Central Andes, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 309-319 (link)
Garreaud RD, Vuille M, Compagnucci R & Marengo J, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Present-day South American climate, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 180-195 (link)
Fey M, Korr C, Maidana NI, Carrevedo ML, Corbella H, Dietrich S, Haberzettl T, Kuhn G, Lücke A, Mayr C, Ohlendorf C, Paez MM, Quintana FA, Schäbitz F & Zolitschka B, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Palaeoenvironmental changes during the last 1600 years inferred from the sediment record of a cirque lake in southern Patagonia (Laguna Las Vizcachas, Argentina), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 363-375 (link)
Jomelli V, Favier V, Rabatel A, Brunstein D, Hoffmann G & Francou B, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Fluctuations of glaciers in the tropical Andes over the last millennium and palaeoclimatic implications: A review, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 269-282 (link)
Quesne CL, Acuña C, Boninsegna JA, Rivera A & Barichivich J, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Long-term glacier variations in the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile, inferred from historical records and tree-ring reconstructed precipitation, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 334-344 (link)
Boninsegna JA, Argollo J, Aravena JC, Barichivich J, Christie D, Ferrero ME, Lara A, Quesne CL, Luckman BH, Masiokas M, Morales M, Oliveira JM, Roig F, Srur A & Villalba R, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Dendroclimatological reconstructions in South America: A review, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 210-228 (link)
Solíz C, Villalba R, Argollo J, Morales MS, Christie DA, Moya J & Pacajes J, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Spatio-temporal variations in Polylepis tarapacana radial growth across the Bolivian Altiplano during the 20th century, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 296-308 (link)
Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T, Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Preface: Long-term multi-proxy climate reconstructions and dynamics in South America (LOTRED-SA), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 175-179 (link)
Mundo IA, Masiokas MH, Villalba R, Morales MS, Neukom R, Quesne CL, Urrutia RB & Lara A (2012) Multi-Century Tree-Ring Based Reconstruction of the Neuquén River Streamflow, Northern Patagonia, Argentina, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 815-829 (link)
Daley TJ, Mauquoy D, Chambers FM, Street-Perrott FA, Hughes PDM, Loader NJ, Roland TP, Bellen Sv, Garcia-Meneses P & Lewin S (2012) Investigating Late Holocene Variations in Hydroclimate and the Stable Isotope Composition of Precipitation Using Southern South American Peatlands: An Hypothesis, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 1457-1471 (link)
Holz A, Haberle S, Veblen TT, Pol-Holz RD & Southon J (2012) Fire History in Western Patagonia From Paired Tree-Ring Fire-Scar and Charcoal Records, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 451-466 (link)
Ruiz L, Masiokas MH & Villalba R (2012) Fluctuations of Glaciar Esperanza Norte in the North Patagonian Andes of Argentina During the Past 400 yr, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 1079-1090 (link)
Gayo EM, Latorre C, Santoro CM, Maldonado A & Pol-Holz RD (2012) Hydroclimate Variability in the Low-Elevation Atacama Desert Over the Last 2500 yr, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 287-306 (link)
Morales MS, Christie DA, Villalba R, Argollo J, Pacajes J, Silva JS, Alvarez CA, Llancabure JC & Gamboa CCS (2012) Precipitation changes in the South American Altiplano since 1300 AD reconstructed by tree-rings, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 653-666 (link)
Leclercq PW, Pitte P, Giesen RH, Masiokas MH & Oerlemans J (2012) Modelling and Climatic Interpretation of the Length Fluctuations of Glaciar Frías (North Patagonian Andes, Argentina) 1639–2009 AD, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 1385-1402 (link)
Rivera A, Koppes M, Bravo C & Aravena JC (2012) Little Ice Age advance and retreat of Glaciar Jorge Montt, Chilean Patagonia, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 403-414 (link)
Prieto MR & Rojas F (2012) Documentary Evidence for Changing Climatic and Anthropogenic Influences on the Bermejo Wetland in Mendoza, Argentina, During the 16th–20th Century, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 951-961 (link)
Wagner S, I. Fast & Kaspar F (2012) Comparison of 20th Century and Pre-Industrial Climate Over South America in Regional Model Simulations, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 1599-1620 (link)
Bertrand S, Hughen KA, Lamy F, Stuut J-BW, Torrejón F & Lange CB (2012) Precipitation as the Main Driver of Neoglacial Fluctuations of Gualas Glacier, Northern Patagonian Icefield, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 519-534 (link)
Vuille M, Burns SJ, Taylor BL, Cruz FW, Bird BW, Abbott MB, Kanner LC, Cheng H & Novello VF (2012) A Review of the South American Monsoon History as Recorded in Stable Isotopic Proxies Over the Past Two Millennia, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 1309-1321 (link)
Wilmes SB, Raible CC & Stocker TF (2012) Climate Variability of the Mid- and High-Latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere in Ensemble Simulations From 1500 to 2000 AD, Climate of the Past: Special Issue, 8, 373-390 (link)
Neukom R & Luterbacher J, Eds: Bondre N (2011) Climate Variability in the Southern Hemisphere, Global Change, 76, 26-29 (link)
Neukom R, Luterbacher J, Villalba R, Küttel M, Frank D, Jones PD, Grosjean M, Esper J, Lopez L & Wanner H (2010) Multi-Centennial Summer and Winter Precipitation Variability in Southern South America, Geophysical Research, 47(14) (link)
Neukom R, Luterbacher J, Villalba R, Küttel M, Frank D, Jones PD, Grosjean M, Wanner H, Aravena J-C, Black DE, Christie DA, D’Arrigo R, Lara A, Morales M, Soliz-Gamboa C, Srur A, Urrutia R & von Gunten L (2010) Multiproxy Summer and Winter Surface Air Temperature Field Reconstructions for Southern South America Covering the Past Centuries, Climate Dynamics, vol. 37(1-2), 35-51 (link)

Special issues

Eds: Gonzalez Arango C, Grosjean M, Kiefer T, Martinez J & Villalba R (2015) Climate change and human impact in Central and South America over the last 2000 years, Climate of the Past (link)
Eds: Masiokas MH, Christie D, Grosjean M, Rivera A, Villalba R & Kiefer T (2012) Climate Variations in South America Over the Last 2000 Years, Climate of the Past (link)
Eds: Villalba R, Grosjean M & Kiefer T (2009) Long-Term Multi-Proxy Climate Reconstructions and Dynamics in South America (LOTRED-SA): State of the Art and Perspectives, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(3-4), 175-376 (link)

PAGES Magazine articles

J. Ignacio Martínez, C. González, M. Grosjean and R. Villalba (2015) Climate Change and human impact in Central and South America over the last 2000 years, Past Global Changes Magazine, 23(1), 32 (link)
Duncan A. Christie and Andrés Rivera (2011) 2nd International Symposium "Reconstructing climate variations in South America and the Antarctic Peninsula over the last 2000 years", PAGES news, 19(2), 77-78 (link)
Grosjean M & Villalba R (2006) Regional climate variations in south America over the late Holocene, PAGES news, 14(3), 26 (link)
Villalba R & Grosjean M (2005) LOTRED-SA Long-Term climate REconstruction and Dynamics of (southern) South America: A collaborative, high-resolution multi-proxy approach, PAGES news, 13(3), 24 (link)
Grosjean M & Villalba R (2005) Regional Multiproxy Climate Reconstruction for Southern South America: A new Research Initiative, PAGES news, 13(2), 5 (link)

Meeting Products

Mundo I, Neukom R, McKay N & von Gunten L (2014) LOTRED-SA Phase II - Data Collection (link)
PAGES IPO (2004) High resolution multi-proxy climate reconstruction for southern S. America since 1000AD: LOTRED-SA, a new IGBP-PAGE initiative (link)


(2010) 2nd International LOTRED-South America Symposium: Reconstructing Climate Variations in South America and the Antarctic Peninsula over the last 2000 years (link)
(2006) 1st International LOTRED-South America Symposium: Reconstructing Past Regional Climate Variations in South America over the late Holocene (link)