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Special issues

Eds: De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) Holocene Dust Dynamics, The Holocene, 30(4), 489-596 (link)

Journal articles

De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) Holocene dust dynamics: Introduction to the special issue, The Holocene, 30(4), 489–491 (link)
Hooper J, Marx SK, May J-H, Lupo LC, Kulemeyer JJ, de los Á Pereira E, Seki O, Heijnis H, Child D, Gadd P & Zawadzki A, Eds: De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) Dust deposition tracks late-Holocene shifts in monsoon activity and the increasing role of human disturbance in the Puna-Altiplano, northwest Argentina, The Holocene, 30(4), 519–536 (link)
Pratte S, Bao K, Sapkota A, Zhang W, Shen J, Le Roux G & De Vleeschouwer F, Eds: De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) 14 kyr of atmospheric mineral dust deposition in north-eastern China: A record of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental changes in the Chinese dust source regions, The Holocene, 30(4), 492–506 (link)
Bigelow A, Mladenov N, Lipson D & Williams M, Eds: De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) Dust deposition drives microbial metabolism in a remote, high-elevation catchment, The Holocene, 30(4), 589-596 (link)
Cosentino NJ, Gaiero DM, Torre G, Pasquini AI, Coppo R, Arce JM & Vélez G, Eds: De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) Atmospheric dust dynamics in southern South America: A 14-year modern dust record in the loessic Pampean region, The Holocene, 30(4), 575–588 (link)
Martínez Cortizas A, López-Costas O, Orme L, Mighall T, Kylander ME, Bindler R & Gallego Sala A, Eds: De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) Holocene atmospheric dust deposition in NW Spain, The Holocene, 30(4), 507–518 (link)
Arcusa SH, McKay NP, Routson CC & Munoz SE, Eds: De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) Dust-drought interactions over the last 15,000 years: A network of lake sediment records from the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, The Holocene, 30(4), 559–574 (link)
Delmonte B, Winton H, Baroni M, Baccolo G, Hansson M, Andersson P, Baroni C, Salvatore MC, Lanci L & Maggi V, Eds: De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) Holocene dust in East Antarctica: Provenance and variability in time and space, The Holocene, 30(4), 546–558 (link)
Torre G, Gaiero DM, Cosentino NJ, Coppo R & Oliveira-Sawakuchi A, Eds: De Vleeschouwer F, Stuut J-BW & Lambert F (2020) New insights on sources contributing dust to the loess record of the western edge of the Pampean Plain during the transition from the late MIS 2 to the early Holocene, The Holocene, 30(4), 537–545 (link)
Kienast SS, Winckler G, Lippold J, Albani S & Mahowald NM (2016) Tracing dust input to the global ocean using thorium isotopes in marine sediments: ThoroMap, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30, 1526-1541 (link)
Albani S, Mahowald NM, Murphy LN, Raiswell R, Moore JK, Anderson RF, McGee D, Bradtmiller LI, Delmonte B, Hesse PP et al. (2016) Paleodust variability since the Last Glacial Maximum and implications for iron inputs to the ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 3944–3954 (link)
Albani S, Mahowald NM, Winckler G, Anderson RF, Bradtmiller LI, Delmonte B, Francois R, Goman M, Heavens NG, Hesse PP, Hovan SA, Kohfeld KE, Lu H, Maggi V, Mason JA, Mayewski PA, McGee D, Miao X, Otto-Bliesner BL, Perry AT, Pourmand A, Roberts HM, Rosenbloom N, Stevens T & Sun J (2015) Twelve thousand years of dust: the Holocene global dust cycle constrained by natural archives, Climate of the Past, 11, 869-903 (link)

PAGES Magazine articles

Winckler G, Lambert F & Shoenfelt E (2018) The role of dust in climate change: A biogeochemistry perspective, Past Global Changes Magazine, 26(2), 92 (link)
Winckler G & Mahowald N (2014) DICE: Dust impact on climate and environment, Past Global Changes Magazine, 22(2), 61 (link)

PAGES Magazine

Eds: Merkel U, Rousseau D-D, Stuut J-B, Winckler G, von Gunten L & Kiefer T (2014) 22 (2): Dust, Past Global Changes Magazine, 22(2), 57-116 (link)