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PAGES Magazine articles

Palmer A.P., Beckett A., Brauser A., Blanchet C., Martin-Puertas C., Ramisch A. and Brauer A. (2024) Generating high-resolution chronological databases with varves and tephra, Past Global Changes Magazine, 32(1), 58 (link)
Bernd Zolitschka, P. Francus, A.E.K. Ojala, A. Schimmelmann and C. Telepski (2015) The online Varve Image Portal: A new tool for studying annually laminated sediments, Past Global Changes Magazine, 23(1), 35 (link)
Bernd Zolitschka, P. Francus, A.E.K. Ojala and A. Schimmelmann (2012) Deciphering climatic and environmental signals from varved sediments by applying process-related studies, PAGES news, 20(2), 95 (link)
Mark Besonen, P. Francus, A.E.K. Ojala, R. Behl and B. Zolitschka (2011) Learning from other communities: Towards more robust varve chronologies, PAGES news, 19(2), 88-89 (link)

PAGES Magazine

Katrina Kremer, Michael Strupler, Katleen Wils, Renaldo Gastineau, Tatiana Izquierdo and Iván Hernández-Almeida (2024) 32 (1) (Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami Science, Past Global Changes Magazine, 32 (1), 3-63 (link)

Journal articles

Beckett A, Blanchet C, Brauser A, Kearney R, Martin-Puertas C, Matthews I, Mittelbach K, Palmer A, Ramisch A & Brauer A (2024) Tephra data from varved lakes of the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition: towards a global inventory and better chronologies on the Varved Sediments Database (VARDA), Earth System Science Data (link)
Tylmann W & Zolitschka B, Eds: Zolitschka B & Tylmann W (2020) Annually Laminated Lake Sediments—Recent Progress, Quaternary, 3(1), 5 (link)
Vegas-Vilarrúbia T, Rull V, Trapote MC, Cao M, Rosell-Melé A, Buchaca T, Gomà J, López P, Sigró J, Safont E, Cañellas N, Garcés-Pastor S, Giralt S, Corella JP, Pérez-Zanón N, Eds: Zolitschka B & Tylmann W (2020) Modern Analogue Approach Applied to High-Resolution Varved Sediments—A Synthesis for Lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees), Quaternary, 3(1), 1 (link)
Theuerkauf M, Engelbrecht E, Dräger N, Hupfer M, Mrotzek A, Prager A & Scharnweber T, Eds: Zolitschka B & Tylmann W (2019) Using Annual Resolution Pollen Analysis to Synchronize Varve and Tree-Ring Records, Quaternary, 2(3), 23 (link)
Jenny J-P, Koirala S, Gregory-Eaves I, Francus P, Niemann C, Ahrens B, Brovkin V, Baud A, Ojala AEK, Normandeau A, Zolitschka B & Carvalhais N (2019) Human and climate global-scale imprint on sediment transfer during the Holocene, PNAS, 116, 22972-22976 (link)
Salminen S, Saarni S, Tammelin M, Fukumoto Y & Saarinen T, Eds: Zolitschka B & Tylmann W (2019) Varve Distribution Reveals Spatiotemporal Hypolimnetic Hypoxia Oscillations During the Past 200 Years in Lake Lehmilampi, Eastern Finland, Quaternary, 2(2), 20 (link)
Johansson M, Saarni S & Sorvari J, Eds: Zolitschka B & Tylmann W (2019) Ultra-High-Resolution Monitoring of the Catchment Response to Changing Weather Conditions Using Online Sediment Trapping, Quaternary, 2(2), 18 (link)
Thys S, Van Daele M, Praet N, Jensen BJ, Van Dyck T, Haeussler PJ, Vandekerkhove E, Cnudde V & De Batist M, Eds: Zolitschka B & Tylmann W (2019) Dropstones in Lacustrine Sediments as a Record of Snow Avalanches—A Validation of the Proxy by Combining Satellite Imagery and Varve Chronology at Kenai Lake (South-Central Alaska), Quaternary, 2(1), 11 (link)
Żarczyński M, Szmańda J & Tylmann W, Eds: Zolitschka B & Tylmann W (2019) Grain-Size Distribution and Structural Characteristics of Varved Sediments from Lake Żabińskie (Northeastern Poland), Quaternary, 2(1), 8 (link)
Jenny J-P, Normandeau A, Francus P, Taranu ZE, Gregory-Eaves I, Lapointe F, Jautzy J, Ojala AEK, Dorioz J-M, Schimmelmann A & Zolitschka B, Eds: Cole JJ (2016) Urban point sources of nutrients were the leading cause for the historical spread of hypoxia across European lakes, PNAS, 113, 12655-12660 (link)
Schimmelmann A, Lange CB, Schieber J, Francus P, Ojala AEK & Zolitschka B, Eds: Candy I et. al. (2016) Varves in marine sediments: A review, Earth-Science Reviews, 159, 215–246 (link)
Jenny JP, Francus P, Normandeau A, Lapointe F, Perga ME, Ojala AEK, Schimmelmann A & Zolitschka B, Eds: Long S (2016) Global spread of hypoxia in freshwater ecosystems during the last three centuries is caused by rising local human pressure, Global Change Biology, 22, 1481–1489 (link)
Zolitschka B, Francus P, Ojala AEK & Schimmelmann A (2015) Varves in lake sediments – a review, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol 117, 1–41 (link)
Hang T & Kohv M, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Glacial varves at Pärnu, south-western Estonia: a local varve chronology and proglacial sedimentary environment, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 273-281 (link)
Maier DB, Rydberg J, Bigler C & Renberg I, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Compaction of recent varved lake sediments, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 231-236 (link)
Mörner NA, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Drainage varves, seismites and tsunamites in the Swedish Varve Chronology, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 308-315 (link)
Schimmelmann A, Hendy IL, Dunn L, Pak DK & Lange CB, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Revised 2000-year chronostratigraphy of partially varved marine sediment in Santa Barbara Basin, California, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 258-264 (link)
Rayburn JA & Vollmer FW, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) ANTEVS: a quantitative varve sequence cross-correlation technique with examples from the Northeastern USA, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 282-292 (link)
Ojala AEK, Kosonen E, Weckström J, Korkonen S & Korhola A, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Seasonal formation of clastic-biogenic varves: the potential for palaeoenvironmental interpretations, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 237-247 (link)
Kanamaru K, Francus P, François R, Besonen M & Laj C, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) New insight into Saanich Inlet varved sediments (British Columbia, Canada) from micro-scale analysis of sedimentary facies and micro-XRF core scanning, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 316-339 (link)
Chu G, Sun Q, Li S, Lin Y, Wang X, Xie M, Shang W, Li A & Yang K, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Minor element variations during the past 1300 years in the varved sediments of Lake Xiaolongwan, north-eastern China, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 265-272 (link)
Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Editorial: The rise of varves, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 229-230 (link)
Johnson MD, Kylander ME, Casserstedt L, Wiborgh H & Björck S, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Varved glaciomarine clay in central Sweden before and after the Baltic Ice Lake drainage: a further clue to the drainage events at Mt Billingen, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 293-307 (link)
Kinder M, Tylmann W, Enters D, Piotrowska N, Poreba G & Zolitschka B, Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Construction and validation of calendar-year time scale for annually laminated sediments – an example from Lake Szurpily (NE Poland), GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 248-257 (link)
Ojala AEK, Francus P, Zolitschka B, Besonen M & Lamoureux SF (2012) Characteristics of Sedimentary Varve Chronologies - A Review, Quaternary Science Reviews, 43, 45-60 (link)

Special issues

Eds: Zolitschka B & Tylmann W (2020) Annually Laminated Lake Sediments, Quaternary (link)
Eds: Francus P, Ridge JC & Johnson MD (2013) Varve Genesis, Chronology and Paleoclimate, GFF - Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden, 135(3-4), 229-339 (link)


(2015) Climate variability and human impacts in Central and Eastern Europe during the last two millennia, 80 (link)
(2012) 3rd Varves Working Group Workshop Abstract Volume, Terra Nostra, 2012 (link)
(2011) 2nd Varves Working Group Workshop Abstract Volume (link)
(2010) 1st Varves Working Group Workshop Abstract Volume (link)

Meeting Products

Besonen M, Francus P, Ojala A, Behl R & Zolitschka B (2011) INQUA: Varves Working Group, Quaternary Perspective, 19, 14-15 (link)