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Opinion piece in Eos, titled "Embracing Open Data in Field-Driven Sciences", highlights the valuable role PAGES plays in open field data accessibility.


Please provide a provisional title, potential conveners and a brief description of your suggested session. The Scientific Program Committee will prepare the program based on your input, aiming at a fair balance between the topics.




A new PAGES' Euro-Med2k paper, published yesterday in Nature Geoscience, draws connections between a "Late Antique Little Ice Age" and major world events.


There has been huge media interest in a paper from PAGES' Euro-Med2k working group, published in Environmental Research Letters on 29 January.


PAGES Working Groups (WG) are temporary organizations that target specific aspects of PAGES’ scientific agenda by running activities that result in synthesis products.


The next deadline for applying for PAGES meeting support is 1 May 2016.

PAGES offers meeting support under three categories of workshops:
- PAGES Working Group meetings
- Educational meetings
- Open call meetings


Are you a member of the PAGES' People Database on our website? Have you recently changed jobs or university?


A recent editorial in "Science" magazine, by Stockholm Resilience Centre Director Johann Rockstroem, highlights the quality of work done by PAGES' PALSEA working group, and PAGES in general.


What happens when past climate modeling experiments do not match with the climate data in tree rings, marine sediments or ice cores?