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Journal articles

Hoogakker BAA, Davis C, Wang Y, Kusch S, Nilsson-Kerr K, Hardisty DS, Jacobel A, Macaya DR, Glock N, Ni S, Sepúlveda J, Ren A, Auderset A, Hess A, Meissner K, Cardich J, Anderson R, Barras C, Basak C, Bradbury HJ, Brinkmann I, Castillo A, Cook M, Costa K, Choquel C, Diz P, Donnenfield J, Elling FJ, Erdem Z, Filipsson HL, Garrido S, Gottschalk J, Menon AG, Groeneveld J, Hallmann C, Hendy I, Hennekam R, Lu W, Lynch-Stieglitz J, Matos L, Martínez-García A, Molina G, Muñoz P, Moretti S, Morford J, Nuber S, Radionovskaya S, Raven MR, Somes CJ, Studer AS, Tachikawa K, Tapia R, Tetard M, Vollmer T, Wu S, Zhang Y, Zheng X-Y and Zhou Y
Journal articles

Preprint. Discussion started: 9 January 2024

The authors thank ICP14 and PAGES for providing logistic and travel support that facilitated the writing of this manuscript. The manuscript benefitted from discussions with Trinity Ford, Philip Froelich, Zunli Lu, Tim Sweere and Qingchen Wang. 

Porz A, Zuschin M, Strotz L, Koskeridou E, Simoens K, Lukić R, Thivaiou D, Quillévéré F & Agiadi K
Journal articles
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers

This research contributes to the objectives of Q-MARE (a PAGES working group).

Gayo EM, Lima M, Gurruchaga A, Estay SA, Santoro CM, Latorre C & McRostie V
Journal articles
Philosophical Transactions of the Roal Society B

This study was undertaken by the PEOPLE 3000 working group of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project, which received support from the Swiss Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Lima M, Gayo EM, Estay SA, Gurruchaga A, Robinson E, Freeman J, Latorre C & Bird D
Journal articles
Philosophical Transactions of the Roal Society B

This work has been undertaken by the PEOPLE 3000 working group of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project, which received support from the Swiss Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Haywood AM, Tindall JC, Burton LE, Chandler MA, Dolan AM, Dowsett HJ, Feng R, Fletcher TL, Foley KM, Hill DJ, Hunter SJ, Otto-Bliesner BL, Lunt DJ, Robinson MM and Salzmann U
Journal articles
Global and Planetary Change

"In response to increased palaeoclimate community interest in Early Pliocene climate and environments, PlioMIP3 expands the temporal focus of its activities to include a simulation incorporating two key differentiating features of the Early Pliocene (experiment EP). This expansion enables a comparison of model results for the Late and Early Pliocene in a coordinated way. It also enables PlioMIP to construct part of a scientific bridge to the Miocene. This epoch is being studied by the Miocene Model Intercomparison Project (MioMIP; Burls et al., 2021) and the PAGES-supported PlioMioVAR project. PlioMIP3 will connect with MioMIP, facilitating the intercomparison of model results over multiple geological time periods."

Skiba V, Jouvet G, Marwan N, Spötl C and Fohlmeister J
Journal articles
Quaternary Science Reviews

This study was supported by funding from DFG (grant FO 809/6-1) to JF. It includes data compiled by SISAL, a working group of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project.

Burton LE, Haywood AM, Tindall JC, Dolan AM, Hill DJ, McClymont EL, Ho SL and Ford HL
Journal articles
Climate of the Past

Preprint. Discussion started: 30 November 2023

The collation and analysis of the PlioVAR data is an outcome of the working group Pliocene Climate Variability over glacial-interglacial 540 timescales, sponsored by Past Global Change (PAGES). We acknowledge PAGES for their financial support to workshops and discussions, and thank all of the PlioVAR members who created, synthesised, reviewed and analysed the proxy data to generate the PlioVAR data.

Sánchez-García C and Schulte L
Journal articles
Global and Planetary Change

L. Schulte is WG-Leader and C. Sánchez-García is member of the Past Climate Change (PAGES) Floods Working Group (2024-2026).

Lima M, Gayó EM, Gurruchaga A, Estay SA & Santoro CM
Journal articles
PLoS One

This study was undertaken by the PEOPLE 3000 working group of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project, which received support from the Swiss Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Li F, Gaillard M-J, Xie S, Huang K, Cui Q, Fyfe R, Marquer L and Sugita S
Journal articles
Frontiers in Plant Science

FL and M-JG conceptualized and coordinated the study as a contribution to the PAGES working group “LandCover6k” and collected the pollen samples and vegetation survey in the field. This study was undertaken as part of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project and its working group LandCover6k.