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Journal articles

Ballesteros-Cánovas JA, Stoffel M, Benito G, Rohrer M, Barriopedro D, García-Herrera R, Beniston M & Brönnimann S
Journal articles
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

This paper is a contribution to PAGES' Floods Working Group, resulting from the cross community meeting held in Grenoble, France, in June 2016.

Ludwig P, Gómez‐Navarro JJ, Pinto JG, Raible CC, Wagner S & Zorita E
Journal articles
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

This product is a contribution to the PAGES 2k Network project PALEOLINK.

Fischer H, Meissner KJ, Mix AC, Abram NJ, Austermann J, Brovkin V, Capron E, Colombaroli D, Daniau A-L, Dyez KA, Felis T, Finkelstein SA, Jaccard SL, McClymont EL, Rovere A, Sutter J, Wolff EW, Affolter S, Bakker P, Ballesteros-Cánovas JA, Barbante C, Caley T, Carlson AE, Churakova (Sidorova) O, Cortese G, Cumming BF, Davis BAS, de Vernal A, Emile-Geay J, Fritz SC, Gierz P, Gottschalk J, Holloway MD, Joos F, Kucera, M, Loutre M-F, Lunt DJ, Marcisz K, Marlon JR, Martinez P, Masson-Delmotte V, Nehrbass-Ahles C, Otto-Bliesner BL, Raible CC, Risebrobakken B, Sánchez Goñi MF, Saleem Arrigo J, Sarnthein M, Sjolte J, Stocker TF, Velasquez Alvárez PA, Tinner W, Valdes PJ, Vogel H, Wanner H, Yan Q, Yu Z, Ziegler M & Zhou L
Journal articles
Nature Geoscience

This paper is a product of the PAGES Warmer Worlds Integrative Activity and is a result of the workshop held in Bern, Switzerland, in April 2017.

Accompanying material

Author Correction

An Author Correction was published in Nature Geoscience on 18 July 2018, in regards to two references.

Press releases

Read the University of Bern press release in English or German.

Read the Australian Research Council's Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science press release in English.

Media coverage (selection)

Watch the Swiss SRF Tageschau news story (in German) from Monday 25 June 2018, with an interview with Hubertus Fischer, here.

Listen to an interview (in French) by Swiss RTS from Wednesday 27 June 2018, with co-author Katrin Meissner and PAGES Executie Director Marie-France Loutre, here.

Down to Earth India, 29 June 2018: Warnings from the past: Sea levels will rise, 78 Indian cities to see floods

Millennium Post India, 2 July 2018: Warnings from the past

The Guardian, 5 July 2018: Global temperature rises could be double those predicted by climate modelling

Science Daily, 5 July 2018: Global warming may be twice what climate models predict

WUSA9, 5 July 2018: Global warming could be far worse than predicted, new study suggests

The Maritime Executive, 5 July 2018: Long-Term Global Warming May be Double Earlier Predictions

UP Magazine, 5 July 2018: Les climatologues se sont trompés : la planète se réchauffe deux fois plus vite que prévu

The New York Times, 6 July 2018: Scott Pruitt and the Global Heat Wave

The Daily Mail, 6 July 2018: Global warming could raise temperatures TWICE as high as previous estimates, with tropical forests set to turn into fire-ravaged savannas, new research warns

Green Report Italy, 6 July 2018: Il riscaldamento globale potrebbe essere il doppio di quanto previsto dai modelli climatici

USA Today, 7 July 2018: Global warming could be far worse than predicted, new study suggests

Future Earth Anthropocence Magazine, 10 July 2018: The best-case climate change scenario could wind up being twice as bad as we think

Der Bund, 10 July 2018 (pdf): Bei 5 Grad: 100 statt 40 Sommertage in Bern

Nexus Media, 19 July 2018: The Climate Has Always Changed. Why Is This Time so Much Worse? An interview with climate scientists Katrin Meissner and Alan C. Mix




Konecky B, Comas-Bru L, Dassié E, DeLong K & Partin JW
Journal articles

This project update is a contribution to the PAGES 2k Network Iso2k project.

Yousefi M, Milne GA, Love R & Tarasov L, Eds: Carlson A, Dutton A, Long A & Milne G
Journal articles
Quaternary Science Reviews

This article is a contribution to the Special Issue of Quaternary Science Reviews, titled "PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA): ice-sheet and sea-level responses to past climate warming" from the PAGES PALSEA working group.

Jensen MF, Nummelin A, Nielsen SB, Sadatzki H, Sessford E, Risebrobakken B, Andersson C, Voelker A, Roberts WHG, Pedro J & Born A, Eds: Loutre M-F, Evans MN, Fritz SC, Tabor C, Plumpton H, Barnett R, Zhang Y, Razanatsoa E & Dearing Crampton Flood E
Journal articles
Climate of the Past

This is a contribution to the special issue “Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective” which stems from the PAGES Young Scientists Meeting 2017 in Spain.

Döring M & Leuenberger MC, Eds: Loutre M-F, Evans MN, Fritz SC, Tabor C, Plumpton H, Barnett R, Zhang Y, Razanatsoa E & Dearing Crampton Flood E
Journal articles
Climate of the Past

This is a contribution to the special issue “Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective” which stems from the PAGES Young Scientists Meeting 2017 in Spain.

Shuman BN, Routson C, McKay N, Fritz S, Kaufman D, Kirby ME, Nolan C, Pederson GT & St-Jacques J-M
Journal articles
Climate of the Past

This paper is a contribution to the PAGES 2k Network special issue of Climate of the Past, titled "Climate of the past 2000 years: regional and trans-regional syntheses".

Xu C, Sano M, Priyadarshan Dimri A, Ramesh R, Nakatsuka T, Shi F & Guo Z
Journal articles
Climate of the Past

This paper is a contribution to the PAGES 2k Network special issue of Climate of the Past, titled "Climate of the past 2000 years: regional and trans-regional syntheses".

Neukom R, Schurer AP, Steiger NJ & Hegerl GC
Journal articles
Scientific Reports

This paper partly resulted from contributions to the PAGES 2k Network initiative. Members of the PAGES2k consortium are thanked for providing public access to proxy data and metadata from the Southern Hemisphere.