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PaleoEcoGen seminar series - "Detecting change in palaeoecological time series, old and new"

Online meeting
Contact person
Marie-Eve Monchamp
E-Mail address
Working groups

The PaleoEcoGen Working group invites anyone interested to attend a monthly Webinar Series.

24 March 2022 – 3pm UTC

Dr. Gavin Simpson (Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Denmark)
Title: Detecting change in palaeoecological time series, old and new

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Short bio
Gavin Simpson is a statistical ecologist with particular interests in spatiotemporal change in ecological communities and ecosystems and the methods used to detect them. Trained initially as a palaeoecologist, the statistical challenges posed by palaeoenvironmental data have shaped Gavin’s subsequent research interests, which include trend estimation using generalized additive models and methods for summarizing and analyzing multivariate palaeoecological data sets.

More information

For more information on the PaleoEcoGen working group, visit the web page here:
For an overview of upcoming and past seminars, visit the seminar series page here:
To contact a member of the PaleoEcoGen steering committee, visit the People page here: