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2k Network workshop: Hydroclimate synthesis of the Common Era

Potsdam, Germany
Contact person
Matthew Jones
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category


Date: 06 March 1:30 pm - 08 March12:30 pm

Location: Potsdam, Germany. The meeting will be hybrid format with a core group present locally and remote participants.

* Note: This workshop will be taking place before the combined PAGES2k-CVAS Topical Science Meeting

Please register for the workshop here. The workshop will be hybrid, please make sure to choose the right registration track - either on-site participation or online participation.

Deadline for financial support is the 06 February, after which we will inform you asap if and with how much funding we will be able to support you.

Deadline for on-site registration is the 15 February.


PAGES 2k Phase 4 aims at understanding hydroclimate variability during the past two millennia.

Hydroclimate is more variable than temperature in terms of spatial variability, variability across scales, parameters (e.g. precipitation rainfall amount, P/E, statistics of extremes length of drought etc.), and we will want to focus our initial investigation on specific regions where hydroclimatic variability is dominated by one of three major, guided by the influence of dominant climate modes (North Atlantic Oscillation-NAO, El Nino Southern Oscillation-ENSO [including and monsoon regions], Southern Annular Mode-SAM). 

Therefore, our objectives for this first workshop of 2k Network Phase 4 are as follows:

  • Objective 1 is to bring together experts of different hydroclimate archives and different regions to define target hydroclimate variables to reconstruct. 2k Network has created an exhaustive list of archives, proxies and hydroclimate/environmental parameters that can be reconstructed from them. This workshop would facilitate discussions on their scope.
  • Objective 2 is to isolate the key gaps in our understanding of these modes that can be addressed using data synthesis and data-model comparison approaches. There will be additional brainstorming around the uses of a hydroclimate database for ongoing, planned and future research projects to ensure that the data and metadata fields will be useful for multiple different types of investigations.
  • Objective 3 is to produce datasets for model evaluation. To find a common ground, we aim to have a conversation about what variables can be reconstructed and what variables are useful for model evaluation or assimilation into reanalyses. 

This objective fits particularly well given the Topical Science Meeting with the CVAS group which immediately follows this 2k workshop.

The outcome of this workshop is to have the definition of what a new hydroclimate database should look like, a framework for database construction and use, timelines and responsibilities.

Expression of interest

If you would like to participate in the TSM along with the individual Working Group meetings, please indicate your interest using this form by 10 December

More information

For more information on the 2k Network workshop, please contact Matthew Jones: (Matthew[dot]Jones[at]nottingham[dot]ac[dot]uk)