Date: 5 - 7 June 2023
Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands
After the successful Miocene meeting held in Stockholm (Sweden) in June 2019, Utrecht University is pleased to host the second edition, MioMEET2023 (Miocene Climate Dynamics), in the Netherlands.
General information
The aim of this meeting is to bring together data and modelling communities of researchers who study the Miocene (23-5 Ma) climate dynamics to address key questions on mechanisms, processes and feedback operating in the climate system during this time interval.
We have identified 5 themes (modelling efforts, climate, ocean, biosphere and cryosphere). Each theme will be introduced by a keynote speaker followed by a few (invited) talks. Most presentations will be given as a poster to facilitate interaction among participants and make the meeting more dynamic. There will be ample time for break-out and discussion sessions.
The meeting will start on Monday June 5th (after lunch) and last until Wednesday June 7th, 2023 (late afternoon). On Thursday, June 8th 2023, the PAGES PlioMioVar group organises the MioOcean Temperature Synthesis workshop.
Both meetings will be held at Landgoed Zonheuvel Hotel and Conference Centre, Amersfoortseweg 98, 3941 EP Doorn, near Utrecht, website in Dutch: https://landgoedzonheuvel.nl/). We have chosen a slightly remote location near Utrecht to have all the participants spend the entire time of the meeting(s) at the location.
Abstracts for MioMEET
Please submit your abstract – if you wish to submit one - by email as a Word document to: Miomeet2023uu.nl (Miomeet2023[at]uu[dot]nl)
The document should be named as follows: [theme]_[your name]_MioMEET2023 and include authors and affiliations, email of the presenting author, and a title. The length of the abstract is 200-300 words, with no references, max 1A4 if figures are included.
We also ask to indicate your theme on the registration form.
Registration is free of charge.
Participants are expected to cover their own travel & room costs. We have secured some funding for the MioMEET23 meeting, which will allow to cover meals for all participants and facilitate participation of Early Career Researchers (7 years after PhD) with no funding and upon request (see registration form).
Participants can apply, with or without an abstract, through this registration form: https://forms.office.com/e/7DMjT7kgDq
Deadline for registration and abstract submission is 15 April 2023, 23:59h.
More information
For questions, please contact the organizers at miomeet2023uu.nl