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1st PO2 workshop: Constraining changes in ocean oxygenation during the late Quaternary

Bristol, United Kingdom
Contact person
David Naafs
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category


Dates: 11–13 November
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom and online
Venue: M Shed Museum, Bristol


Our objective is to move towards a comprehensive synthesis of global ocean oxygenation and oxygen distribution on glacial-interglacial timescales during the late Quaternary, including a critical assessment and comparison of different proxy and model approaches.


Details of the scientific program coming soon.


Details about registration coming soon.


David Naafs, Uni. Bristol, UK
Babette Hoogakker, Heriot Watt University, UK
Helena Filipsson, Lund Uni., Sweden
*Catherine Davis, NC State Uni. USA
Adina Paytan, UC St. Cruz, USA
Chris Somes, GEOMAR, Germany
*Alex Auderset, NOCS, UK
Katrin Meissner, UNSW Sydney, Australia
*Simone Moretti, MPI, Germany

Further details

Further details will be communicated as soon as these are available.
Sign up to the PO2 mailing list to receive information and news.
If you have questions about this workshop, please contact David Naafs via email: (david[dot]naafs[at]bristol[dot]ac[dot]uk)

Find out more about the PO2 working group here

Code of Conduct

Please refer to the PAGES Code of Conduct here

PAGES is committed to an open and welcoming environment for all and does not tolerate any sort of discrimination or harassment during workshops. For any issues, you can contact the liaisons below via email.

Alexandra Auderset: 
Christophere Somes: