Timeline for phase I:
We anticipate holding annual hybrid workshops (3-5 days) each focusing on one objective. Data and model synthesis for each objective will take place over the ~12 months following the workshop with the goal to submit a synthesis paper on the topic within 24 months.
Workshop 1 on “Ice sheets, ocean oxygenation and the carbon cycle” is planned for autumn 2024 in Bristol, UK;
Workshop 2 on “Lessons from past hypoxic events.” will be held in 2025; and
Workshop 3 on “Coastal hypoxia in the Common Era” in 2026.
For each workshop we will identify subgroups leading data and model synthesis. During the first workshop we will also initiate discussions around structuring a PO2 community discussion paper, which will define key questions, data gaps and targets in paleo-oxygen research. This community discussion paper is planned for publication in early 2028 and will be used as a guideline for the second phase of PO2.
The anticipated outcomes of the first phase will include at least four peer-reviewed articles:
1) a whole-ocean synthesis and proxy-model comparison of the Last Glacial Period and deglacial oxygenation,
2) a review of how and why hypoxic events like OAE’s have occurred in the deeper geologic past based on data and model synthesis,
3) a synthesis of Common Era coastal hypoxia, and 4) a community discussion paper, defining key questions and targets to contribute to further our mechanistic understanding of the ocean oxygen cycle and future assessments.